In-Line Scales

Properly check weigh, classify and transport products with in-line scales

Every system needs checks and balances, and for automated material handling systems, that job is largely done with in-line scales. Also called “inline conveyor scales” or “in-line weigh scales,” in-line scales increase system efficiency and ensure accuracy by automatically catching potential errors before they cause bigger issues.

Automated material handling systems use in-line scales to automatically weigh packages to ensure order accuracy, proper classification and transport. By integrating in-line scales into a larger automated system, minimal time and labor is needed to perform these important checks to ensure accurate system operation, order processing and fulfillment.

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How In-line Scales work

In-line scales get their name because they are integrated into conveyor systems, allowing products to be automatically transported over the scale on the way to the next process. In-line scales are usually placed between two pieces of conveyor, allowing smooth transfers to and from the scale.

The item’s parcel ID is automatically scanned and the weight is recorded and reported to the system software. The system software checks the weight against the expected weight and ensures the item is then properly routed to the next appropriate process. For example, items with correct weights are sorted to outbound shipping, while items with incorrect weights are sent to a QC lane for inspection and correction.

In-line scales are modular and can be customized to fit a variety of applications and needs, including ecommerce, manufacturing, food & beverage, distribution, and more. There are options available to weigh a variety of items, some of which include bags, bottles, cartons, cans, canisters, blister packs, cases, over wraps, pails, trays, tubes, flexible pouches, vacuum packs, raw or unwrapped products.


Features & Benefits

  • Reduce processing times for labeling, sorting and more
  • Increase outbound accuracy and prevent under and over-filled packages
  • Smooth transfers to and from the scale ensure accurate weighing and fewer false rejects
  • In-line scale operating software ties into warehouse software systems, allowing data collection, reporting and analysis
  • Modular design allows modifications to fit a variety of containers and applications
  • Suitable for integration in almost any production line
  • Washable, food-safe options available


When automating weighing processes and choosing an in-line scale solution, it’s important to consider:

  • Type, size and shape of items being processed
  • Environmental compatibility and application needs – food safety, wash-down requirements, etc.
  • Overall system design and processes to determine where to best place weigh stations

Options & Accessories for In-line Scales

  • Color display
  • Automatic feedback to filling machine controllers (feedback control)
  • Statistics programs for evaluation
  • Various monitoring facilities (e. g. detection of product backup)
  • Choice of interfaces for weight data transmission
  • Print Card or printer
  • Network interface
  • Remote display
  • Range of sorting/rejecting devices
  • Water ingress protection IP65 or IP65 V2A stainless steel design
  • Further special options and accessories

See Solutions with In-Line Scales


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