Shoe Sorter

Quick and gentle product sortation makes shoe sorters a go-to for many industries

Shoe sorter conveyor systems provide a very soft, positive divert with varying rates to accommodate slower and faster throughput. Shoe sorters can be used in applications where there is a wide variety of product sizes, shapes and weights being sorted. It is an excellent sortation choice when the product is fragile or easily damaged and requires smooth and gentle movement from the sorter to the takeaway lane. Single and dual diverts are available and can be customized based on a particular conveyor system’s design.

Backed by a strong history of shoe sorter installations across many industries, Bastian Solutions’ experts will help identify, integrate and install the right solution configuration to support your operations. Let us help you achieve new levels of automated sortation accuracy.

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How Shoe Sorters Work

On a shoe sorter conveyor system, products are transported on aluminum slats. Divert shoes move diagonally across the conveyor to gently push the product onto a takeaway line. This makes the shoe sorter ideal for sorting a very wide range of product sizes and shapes, including unevenly weighted cartons. Takeaway lanes are typically placed at a 30-degree angle, or a 22-degree angle to the main slat conveyor. Takeaways at 22 degrees will consume more floor space but provide for higher speed sortation. Some shoe sorters can divert to both the left and right, and products do not need to be justified to either side of the sorter at the induction point.

A very robust support structure is required underneath a shoe sorter since there is considerable inertia when starting and stopping. You’ll find shoe sorters mounted on the floor, or on a very solidly constructed mezzanine. Single and dual diverts are available and can be customized based on a particular conveyor system’s design.


Features & Benefits

Shoe sorters are a top sortation equipment choice for distribution centers due to their versatility, and have been in use since the 1980’s. You’ll find shoe sorters sorting at a rate of 75 to 225 cartons per minute, with some special high-speed units sorting in excess of 300 cartons per minute. In general, a shoe sortation solution helps to:

  • Improve warehouse flow and decrease traffic
  • Minimize labor load handling
  • Gentle handling – reduce product damage, improve precision and positioning
  • Improve system throughput, safety, ergonomics
  • Free up fork truck equipment for other tasks


Shoe sorters are one of the most versatile sortation equipment choices in use today to gently sort a variety of sizes of almost any cartons, totes or boxes. The versatility of shoe sorters makes this technology ideal for various industries with order fulfillment, distribution and manufacturing applications.  This technology can also accommodate a wide throughput rate to meet slower and faster needs – 75 to 300 cartons per minute.

  • Totes or bins
  • Cartons
  • Pieces (Eaches)


Bastian Solutions’ experts will work with you to explore potential turnkey or custom options. Consider the following details when exploring shoe sortation solutions:

  • Type, size and weight of items being sorted
  • Product handling needs
  • Desired throughput rate
  • Number and type of diverts
  • Facility layout

See More Sortation & Conveyor Solutions


Sortation Systems

Conveyor Systems

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