Automated Guided Carts (AGCs)


Automate Your Facility with Cost-Effective and Flexible Automated Guided Carts

While a smaller solution than typical AGVs, Automated Guided Carts (AGCs) are an optimal way to automate a facility with the flexibility of autonomous material transfer. These robotic carts are ideal for transportation and assembly line work – increasing throughput with minimal downtime needed. Capable of operating with multiple types of navigational options, AGCs make it easy to automate facilities in most industries.

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How Automated Guided Carts (AGC) Work

Our AGCs are guided by either natural features navigation or flexible magnetic tape adhered to the floor. These robotic vehicles operate with the same reliability and consistency of any traditional AGV while also providing a safer environment for workers, products and equipment with precise and controlled movement. Regardless of size, AGCs are capable of transferring anything from small parts to heavy pallets if necessary. AGCs are an affordable way to increase the productivity of your warehouse.



  • Affordable with quick ROI
  • Easy to install with minimal facility modifications
  • Scalable to meet workflow changes and capacity demands
  • Increase throughput with reliable and consistent functionality
  • Minimal downtime with capability of running multiple shifts

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M10 Tug Natural Features Navigation AV


3A, 3AB & 3A Short AGV


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