Lean Warehouse Management

Improve Process Efficiencies with Lean Methodology

To get the most out of your automation project, it’s important to start by examining your processes.  

Using our trusted Toyota Production System (TPS) approach, Bastian Solutions experts will evaluate your warehousing, distribution and manufacturing processes to: 

  • Identify areas of waste 
  • Make recommendations to maximize efficiency and quality 
  • Create a solid foundation for automation solutions 

Our approach helps you select the right automation solution, maximize system utilization and improve your bottom line.  


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TPS focuses on creating the highest quality good or service with the lowest cost and the shortest lead times. Companies can achieve this by standardizing processes for greater stability and consistency that solve issues like:  

  • Insufficient or excess inventory 
  • Prolonged picker walking times or vehicle routes 
  • Bottlenecks in product flow 
  • Damaged products or parts 
  • Multiple handling of goods 

How Lean Warehouse Management Works

TPS is focused on identifying and eliminating waste in 8 key areas: 

  1. Transportation — Are all movements of products or equipment necessary? Is material flow optimized to use the least amount of equipment, labor and time? 
  2. Inventory — Do inventory levels meet demand, or has unnecessary excess built up? 
  3. Motion — Do workers have what they need, where they need it? Are there unnecessary actions such as traveling to another area of the facility or reaching outside the golden zone? 
  4. Waiting — Are there unnecessary delays waiting for materials or equipment? 
  5. Over production — Are too many items produced before they are needed? 
  6. Over processing — Are duplicate or unnecessary steps being performed? 
  7. Defects — Are quality issues and defects compromising the final product and creating rework or scrap? 
  8. Skills — Is your workforce underutilized, or is their knowledge and experience not being used to improve operations? 

Our proven approach results in recommendations that improve your processes, utilizing the latest technology and material handling automation options available. This analysis can yield: 

  • Waste elimination recommendations based on data-driven analysis. 
  • Quantitative data that supports system changes and/or upgrades. 
  • Improvement in system and labor efficiency. 


Take the Next Step

Our team of consultants is ready to help you achieve your objectives.
