GTP vs. AGV vs. AMR: Simplify the Alphabet Soup


GTP vs. AGV vs. AMR: Simplify the Alphabet Soup of these Cutting-Edge Automated Technologies




Michael Marcum

Engineering Manager,
 Autonomous Vehicles
Bastian Solutions

Ron Daggett

Vice President,
Technology & R&D
Bastian Solutions

Chris Morgan

Senior Director,
Bastian Solutions

The future of automation is happening now. With the onset of the COVID pandemic in 2019, the time you thought you had to consider your options for automation is gone. What you need now is extreme flexibility and scalability. In today’s complex market your operations need to be able to respond quickly. GTP (Goods to person), AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) and AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) are transforming the way manufacturing and distribution centers operate. Giving your operations a competitive edge, increased efficiencies, safer and optimal product handling, modular and creative applications, all while reducing or eliminating downtime. The market is complex but making a decision on automated versus autonomous solutions doesn’t have to be.

Join Bastian Solutions experts as they discuss GTP vs. AGV vs. AMR technologies. Our experts will present the who, what, when, where and why of choosing automated technologies and how to leverage those simple questions to untangle complicated operational challenges and evaluate your investment opportunities.

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