Bastian Solutions Conveyor Spec Sheets



Shoe Sorter

Sort products quickly, safely and efficiently
with our shoe sorter.

Modular Sorter Cover

Modular Sorter

Sort products quickly, safely and efficiently
with our modular sorter.


High Rate Transfer

The High Rate Transfer is ideal
for throughput and small items.




Pivot Wheel Divert

The Pivot Wheel Divert is a cost competitive solution
for sorting cases and totes.


Goods-to-Person Workstation

The Goods-to-Person Workstation was designed to complement
a goods-to-person storage/retrieval system.



Accumulation Conveyor


Belted Zero Pressure DC

BZPDC is a zoned belt conveyor that provides
zero pressure accumulation of products
– it works well with small cartons.

Bastian Solutions Conveyor Model RZPDC Spec Sheet Icon

Roller Zero Pressure DC

RZPDC has zero pressure logic for product
accumulation in discrete roller zones.

Bastian Solutions Conveyor Model RZPAC Spec Sheet Icon

Roller Zero Pressure
AC Conveyor

RZPAC has zero pressure logic for product
accumulation in discrete roller zones
using a single AC motor.



Bastian Solutions Conveyor Model RLCDC Spec Sheet Iocn

Roller Zero Pressure
Curve DC Conveyor

RZCDC has a tapered roller curve that aids in
carton tracking around corners preventing
traveling products from skewing.



Transport Conveyor

Bastian Solutions Conveyor Model RLVAC Spec Sheet Icon

Live Roller AC

RLVAC operates with rollers that are driven
with belt under roller using a single AC motor.


Live Roller DC

The Live Roller DC Conveyor (RLVDC)
utilizes brushless 24 VDC motors for general
transport where accumulation is not required.


Live Roller Curve DC

RLCDC is a tapered roller curve aiding in
carton transport around corners, preventing
products from skewing.



Bastian Solutions Conveyor Model RLSDC Spec Sheet Icon

Live Roller Spur DC

RLSDC operates with rollers that are driven
with high tensile O-rings to divert products
from or to a straight line conveyor.

RLCAC Spec Sheet Icon

Live Roller Curve AC

The RLCAC operates with rollers that are driven
using a single AC motor with a belt under the rollers.

RLSAC Spec Sheet icon

Live Roller Spur AC

The RLSAC operates with rollers that are driven
using a single AC motor with a belt under the rollers.




Gate Conveyor

Gate conveyor, RLVDC-G, is an ideal
method for easily moving between
lines of conveyor.


Trash Conveyor

Trash conveyor, BSTAC, is an robust means
of transporting dunnage or trash
to compactors for disposal.


Gravity Conveyor

The gravity conveyor, RMDGV, is an economical means
of declined transportation or easy manual
movement of materials.



Merge Conveyor Spec Sheets

BRMAC Spec Sheet Cover icon

Belted Roller Merge
AC Conveyor

BRMAC is ideal for combining multiple lines
into a single line of conveyor.



Conveyor Director Spec Sheets

CDAC 1.0 Spec Sheet Cover icon

Conveyor Director AC

CDAC is our ground breaking control card
used to control accumulation on AC driven Conveyor.

CDDC 1.0 Spec Sheet Cover icon

Conveyor Director DC

CDDC is our breakthrough control card driving
easy DC control for accumulation or transport Conveyor.



Other Spec Sheets


Power Supplies Guide

Power supplies are needed on ALL DC
powered conveyors and products. This sheet
helps to provide guidelines for proper sizing.


Power Accessories Pricelist

All the power accessories needed
to wire the conveyor electrically. Contact
Bastian Solutions' conveyor for assistance.



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