Industry News



In the News: The Food Supply Chain: Standing tall amidst the chaos

The food supply chain has evolved significantly from how it used to operate Food-Supply-Chain-1 earlier. The difficult time brought up by the pandemic has pushed the Indian agro-food chain to adapt to a much more  organised and resilient way of working as consumer behaviour and buying patterns took a 360 degree turn.

The Indian food supply chain has opened itself to newer technologies in storage, distribution and even packaging. In this special feature, we explore the changes in the Indian food supply chain after the pandemic and reflect upon how the industry managed to stand tall amid the chaos.



The cold chain industry which plays a critical role in the food supply chain, often notoriously known for being limited and underdeveloped, also incurred effects of COVID-19. The criticality of the cold chain was strongly realized during the pandemic when vaccines were to be delivered and businesses were forced to revise their business models and switch to home delivery solutions.


“With digitization, customers are receiving their food products through pick up or delivery. This creates an urgency to ensure products are delivered and/or stored appropriately. The entire food supply chain vertical was seen to be directed by digitization and big data. Data analytics platforms are enabling supply chain professionals to gain up-to-date visibility into market insights, thereby better-adjusting sales and warehouse operations planning, said SPS Chauhan, Director-Asia & Middle East in Bastian Solutions

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