Industry News



In the News: Insight Into Smart Glasses in Warehouses and Distribution Centers

smart-glasses-for-supply-chainAs consumers we constantly hear the hype about technologies like driverless cars and aerial delivery drones, but the reality is few of us have ridden in a fully autonomous vehicle or had a drone hover onto our porch with an e-commerce order. Just where is all this futuristic tech, we may wonder?

In the warehousing world, a similar dynamic is at play with smart glasses. We’ve heard about vision-picking pilots that use smart glasses, but relatively few distribution centers seem to be rolling them out. So when will smart glasses take hold, and how can they help?

While a handful of companies such as DHL have used smart glasses, the mainstay mobile device remains rugged handhelds that use radio frequency (RF) technology to communicate with host systems. Change is taking place, however, with glasses technology progressing, and other devices such as smart watches also expanding the range of choices.


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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

