Industry News



In the News: BOOMING BASTIAN: Demand driving plant to nearly double its workforce

GREENFIELD — Their clients are businesses that know what they need done. They just don’t quite know how to do it.Bastian_Solutions_Custom_Automation_Exterior

“When you can’t buy something out of a catalog, we design and build it from scratch for our customers,” said Riley Buttry, general manager of custom automation for Bastian Solutions, a Toyota Advanced Logistics company in Greenfield. “A lot of times, what they’re asking us to do has not been done before.”

Sometimes it’s miles of conveyor for a large tire manufacturer. Other times it’s a system that can move back and forth and up and down retrieving and depositing pallets weighing thousands of pounds from a grid of storage spaces.

Ultimately, they’re projects that allow the user to achieve automation.

And the demand for those outside-the-catalog answers is growing, so much so that Bastian Solutions’ Greenfield site is looking to about double its workforce.

The company has about 100,000 square feet of manufacturing space at 315 W. New Road, about double the amount it moved from last June at 2155 Fields Boulevard. (Monroe Custom Bodies moved from Mt. Comfort into that space to make way for the County Road 600W widening).

“If you come through this facility every six months, this whole space will look different every time you come through,” Buttry said of the custom assembly area. “It really is a continued churn. That’s why everyone here enjoys it, because it’s something new every day; it’s a new challenge.”

Read the full article from the Greenfield Reporter here. 

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