Industry News



Bastian Solutions Continues Tradition with Salvation Army, Adopts 100 Angels

Bastian Solutions, a Toyota Advanced Logistics company, and the Salvationindyangeltree Army are teaming up for the third year to help Indianapolis families in need.  

Monday, December 6 will wrap this year’s efforts – the company worked through the month of November to finalize volunteer scheduling for Box Day and gathering gift items for the 100 Angels adopted for the season.

Each year, Bastian employees are given paid time off to assist Salvation Army volunteers with the distribution of the cities’ Angel Tree gifts. Monday will consist of two shifts of volunteers, working one-on-one with families to receive and load their gifts. To date, over 150 employees have volunteered, many multiple years, and the company has adopted almost 300 Angels.

“This year we’ve been able to adopt 100 Angels, fulfill their gift needs, and 65 employees will volunteer this Monday. It is a humbling, honorable experience to help our city celebrate the holiday season” says Greg Conner, VP of corporate development and marketing.

Bastian’s culture nationally recognizes the importance of corporate responsibility in the communities they are located, giving employees two paid days off annually – the Indianapolis teams use one for Salvation Army efforts, and can choose which volunteering opportunity they’d like to use for the second.

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