Warehouse Safety Clothing: Top Comfortable, Durable Options to Wear Onsite
Carolyn Barber | 29 December 2021
No matter what industry you are in, kicking off a new year is a popular time for work resolutions and reflection. The benefits of reviewing warehouse processes and safety guidelines, in everything from lockout/tagout procedures to safety clothing, cannot be overlooked. What better way to start the new year?
When working at a warehouse, distribution or manufacturing facility, personnel must balance different priorities and considerations such as safety, professionalism, and utility. To meet those considerations, onsite personnel must find clothing that helps them perform their job functions rather than be cumbersome and interfere with tasks.
With numerous gear options to choose from, I talked to our team about their preferred onsite clothing choices. Below are some of their top recommendations.
1. Warehouse Facility Foot Protection
Steel toe boots are one of the foremost requirements for onsite clothing. They are crucial to onsite safety and a good pair of boots can make or break your day. When choosing steel toe boots, factors such as durability, comfort, and style all come into play. Below we have recommendations of three very different styles of steel toe boots, all that meet the Bastian Solutions standard of safety.
Staff Recommendation: Xena Workwear Boots – Sam Smart, Technical Training Manager, Unified Support
“After searching for years for women's safety shoes that were not bulky or pink, I was thrilled to find Xena Workwear's Omega EH Safety Boots. I was even happier when I realized how surprisingly comfortable they are. They're flexible enough to go from meeting room to warehouse floor to dinner after work which makes packing for onsite visits a lot easier!”
Staff Recommendation: Wolverine Steel Toe Boots with BOA quick fit laces and third party insoles – John Webber, Customer Service Manager, Conveyor
“Wolverine steel toe boots with the BOA quick fit, adjustable laces are the best boots I have purchased. They’re easy to use. I can put my boots on in seconds instead of minutes and they’re very comfortable for long hours on concrete floors. These also work well with the third-party insoles I bought for extra comfort and to mitigate stress to my legs, knees and ankles from walking the required distances on customer sites. The one drawback is the amount of time it takes to break the boots in. I recommend wearing them in your off time to accelerate the break in period.”
Staff Recommendation: KEEN Steel toe shoes – John Hollingshead, Quality Manager, Conveyor
“I have found that KEEN shoes are light and breathable while still meeting our steel toe requirements. I do a lot of walking around our facility and have found these to be durable and comfortable.”
2. Durable and Versatile Pants
Functionality and durability are two of the most common decision-making factors when choosing what to wear on site and this is nowhere more prevalent than in pants. A good pair of onsite pants is one that will hold up for long hours on site, hold all that they are needed to, and is versatile enough to rotate through several pairs.
Staff Recommendation: ATG Wrangler Utility Pants – Travis Zirnheld, Project Manager Team Lead, Software
“The elastic waist band gives these an unmatched comfort. The multitude of pockets allow the pants to be versatile in the field and the material is flexible and breathable. With these pants you can go from professional meetings with customers, to the warehouse floor to work on conveyor and after your day is done you could even take a jog in these.”
Staff Recommendation: TacLite Pro Pants – Alex Suarez, Advanced Technology Support Engineer, Controls
“We carry many tools in our pockets daily from tape measures, screw drivers, safety knives, Allen keys, etc. You can carry these in your safety vest, but I always felt like my tools would fall out of the vest’s pockets. Duluth has some good cargo pants but my go to are 511 TacLite Pro Pants. I have multiple of these that I rotate thought the week on a jobsite. They’re very comfortable in the heat or cold. “
3. Practical and Functional Jackets
Warehouse temperatures can be unpredictable so it’s best to be prepared for whatever the site may have in store. Jackets also provide extra pockets that can come in handy with storing anything you might need while on site.
Staff Recommendation: Milwaukee Jacket – Kayla Jeremiah, Project Manager, Robotics
“If you’re working in cold facilities, Milwaukee makes heated hoodies and jackets that are good to invest in.”
Staff Recommendation: Duluth Trading – Steve Nerney, Senior Project Manager, Systems
“Duluth Trading has an extensive offering of work clothing for individuals that will be working in the facility. It’s nearly indestructible and has extra pockets. I’ve destroyed so much of my personal clothing bumping into sharp corners, grease, etc. that I only use Duluth Trading Clothing in the work area.”
Comfort and Reliable Protection
Warehouse, distribution or manufacturing facility onsite life comes with many different considerations, especially when it comes to choosing comfortable, yet equally protective clothing. It’s important to look professional while maintaining functionality. These recommendations from Bastian Solutions employees will enable you to do just that!
Carolyn Barber is a Technical Training Specialist at Bastian Solutions. Carolyn works to develop training materials both internally for new employee onboarding in the Software Division, as well as externally for customer training. Carolyn has a background in public education and has six years of experience in education and training.
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