The Material Handling Blog

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The Blockchain Supply Chain: Transparent and Traceable

January 17, 2019
Modern supply chains are extremely complex, making it difficult to track provenance, production methods, and more. Blockchain technology can change that.

The $1.3 Trillion Benefit of Order and System Visibility

April 16, 2015
As pressure mounts, retailers are depending on automated facilities with material handling equipment for efficient processing of large volumes of orders. But aside from the equipment, software is taking center stage for ensuring order deadlines are met.

Logistics Gets a Taste of the Spotlight

September 19, 2013
Logistics professionals are the unsung hero of the retail industry, ensuring consumers get the products they need when they need them. With all this hard work, it's nice to see the industry experience an increase in news coverage in recent months. Here are some of the top stories...

Material Handling Trends and Technologies Improving the Supply Chain

September 08, 2011
Today's economic climate has put enormous pressure on companies to obtain quicker returns on their investments, so as manufacturers research and develop new material handling equipment , this issue is becoming increasingly important. Customers want solutions that offer not only a strong return on investment but do so faster than ever before. The material handling industry is responding with new equipment, technology, and systems that enable complete supply chain visibility , thus allowing customers to see how their investments are impacting their overall operation. The following are just a few of the trends and technologies helping to make this possible. Read More >>
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

