The Material Handling Blog

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How to Choose the Correct Divert for Your Sortation Conveyor System

November 12, 2019
With so many options available, choosing the right type of divert for your sortation system can be difficult. These are the factors to consider.

Girl Scout Cookie Sales vs. Material Handling Sales

March 08, 2013
What do Girl Scout Cookies have to do with material handling? Everything! Cookies are made with various conveyors in the baking and coating process. Boxed cookies are put into cases; cases are glued with automated equipment, stacked on pallets, stored in racks, and logistics services route the orders to the local service centers.

Material Handling Trends and Technologies Improving the Supply Chain

September 08, 2011
Today's economic climate has put enormous pressure on companies to obtain quicker returns on their investments, so as manufacturers research and develop new material handling equipment , this issue is becoming increasingly important. Customers want solutions that offer not only a strong return on investment but do so faster than ever before. The material handling industry is responding with new equipment, technology, and systems that enable complete supply chain visibility , thus allowing customers to see how their investments are impacting their overall operation. The following are just a few of the trends and technologies helping to make this possible. Read More >>
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

