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The Importance of Discussing Slotting Early in New Facility Design

May 19, 2020
When designing a new warehouse or distribution facility, the earlier that conversations are had about slotting goals, the better the end result.
Posted in General Blogs

Velocity Slotting with Supply Chain Software

January 29, 2019
Velocity slotting can drastically improve order pick time and operator productivity, if used correctly. Here's what you should keep in mind.

Optimizing Productivity and Space Utilization Through Warehouse Slotting

November 15, 2018
One of the differentiators between average-class and best-in-class operations is having an active warehouse slotting program.

Warehouse Storage Myth Debunked - Equal Space Strategy versus Equal Time Strategy

May 07, 2015
Ask any warehouse manager how to stock a forward pick area, and you may get one of these two methods--allocate the same amount of space to each SKU or store an equal time supply of each SKU in the area. Here's a look at why either solution might offer the same labor costs.

Size Does Matter...When It Comes to SKUs

February 28, 2013
I just had a discussion with a colleague in our consulting group about a client who wanted him to design a picking area. The problem was the client didn’t have any product size information. To this client, the size of a case was “case size,” and an individual item was smaller than “case size.” Regrettably, many distribution operations have little information about the size of the product they are distributing, but know size information has many advantages...
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

