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Choosing the Right Conveyor System for Festive Season Demand

November 15, 2023
The festive or peak season is one of the busiest times for companies, especially those in the e-commerce and retail industry sectors. With the holidays here, consumer demand for products significantly spikes both in volume and quick fulfilment requirements. With continuous festive promotions and sales, it is understandable that there is an increase in orders with more customer expectations, so it is crucial to have efficient and reliable warehouse material handling systems in place to handle the festive season demand. Determining the specific requirements of your business during the festive season is essential to ensuring a smooth and successful operation.

Clear the Fog of Peak Season: 4-Step Process

November 01, 2023
The fog of peak season. Does this sound like a similar experience to all warehouse operations team members? It’s earlier than usual and you know you have a very long day ahead of you. The building pulses with an electrifying energy but it's a frenetic, anxious feeling that everyone has in the pit of their stomach. The team knows that its “go time” as the customer order volume is going to be 3X the norm. As you walk out of the office and into the warehouse you are met with the sound of conveyor belts humming and the ceaseless beeping noise of forklifts darting all over the building. What is normally an orderly row of neatly stacked goods near pack out, now resembles a maze, as your team scrambles to locate items with urgency. Every corner of the warehouse is in motion, every aisle alive with the chaos of associates picking, workstations loaded with boxes for packout, and trailers are everywhere.

Thrive During Peak Season: 3 Order Fulfillment Considerations

December 07, 2022
Peak season is here. While Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the biggest sales days of the year, have come and gone, order fulfillment operations are busy ensuring that orders are filled accurately, packaged carefully and shipped on time. For retailers, this is both a time of getting through the peak and also an opportunity to shine ahead of competitors. Handling seasonal peaks requires automation that simplifies the surge in distribution.

Keep Up with India’s Festive Season Demand with Continuous Customer Support

October 19, 2022
The festive season is the most exciting time of the year in India. The season brings out the best in companies and customers with celebrations, new product launches and sale offer blasts like Amazon Great Indian Festival and Myntra big fashion festival etc. It also brings a whirlwind of considerations for warehouses and distribution centres.
Posted in General Blogs

Black Friday, Cyber Monday: Last Minute Prep for Peak Season Operations

November 24, 2021
As we gear up for 2022, experts at Adobe predict we will be facing the first ever trillion dollar year in ecommerce sales – it’s never too soon to prepare for an uptick in sales year-round.

Strengthening Supply Chain Operations During India's Peak Festive Season

October 26, 2021
Festive season 2021 is expected to bring numerous opportunities for retailers and ecommerce companies. The excitement with festive promotional sales offers will create massive online traffic, impact product sales and company turnover, and put enormous pressure on companies’ supply chain processes.

Black Friday Prep: Peak Season Trends

November 06, 2020
Although 2020 has been an unpredictable year with unprecedented commerce demands, this year worldwide ecommerce sales have already increased by 18% more than last year. That’s $3.5 trillion USD, according to Shopify. And, it’s expected to nearly double by 2023 to more than $6.5 trillion. Chances are that planning was already underway to shift processes to accommodate for the expected growth in ecommerce before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. However, the state of the world during the pandemic greatly shortened the time frame in which updates and changes needed to be made. Companies everywhere scrambled to quickly pivot based on their unique situations.

Staffing For Peak Season: What Went Wrong?

February 11, 2020
If your operations hired additional staff over peak season and it was still a struggle to keep up, these factors could have been overlooked in your planning process.
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