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RH Brown: Industry-Leading Material Handling Solutions in the Pacific Northwest

February 09, 2022
In 2021, Bastian Solutions announced that RH Brown Co., a fourth-generation family-owned material handling solution provider, became the newest Toyota member company. We talked to RH Brown Co. President Scott Larsen, who launched system integration and automation offerings after taking the helm as the fourth-generation leader. “With the evolution of the company, our primary focus on our customers hasn’t changed. Our primary focus today is working closely with our customers to identify specific project objectives that are most impactful to the success of their business,” says Scott Larsen.

Peak Season: When Customer Focus Matters Most for Supply Chain

November 22, 2021
It’s no surprise that peak season is no longer just Black Friday. The ecommerce and retail markets have changed to show increased demand throughout the year. That increase means added focus on supply chain quality and efficiencies. Material handling automation and software solutions can help offer answers across industries to tasks like picking and packing, manufacturing, on-site storage, product movement, and so much more. As markets change and adjust, even during this traditional holiday peak season companies are striving to win over current and potential customers. Customer trust is key and maintaining that makes a big difference on customer success. This starts with building an internal culture that is customer focused, building lasting partnerships through teamwork, collaboration and trust.

Global Supply Chains Going Local

September 21, 2012
Most of us are familiar with the phrase: “think globally, act locally.” Though it might be popularly thought of in terms of food sourcing, the manufacturing industry is also adopting a local mindset. A recent survey by EEF, the manufacturers' organization, found that 40% of U.K. companies are bringing production back in-house, while 25% have increased their use of local suppliers...
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

