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Continuous Improvement with Goods to Person Technology

April 24, 2024
When new material handling automation equipment is introduced to a manufacturing or distribution center, it is easy to lose focus on continuous improvement efforts. Often it is assumed that technology and automation have created a process which completely maximizes efficiencies and therefore cannot be improved. Kaizen, meaning continuous improvement, is a core tenant in TPS (Toyota Production System) and empowers individual team members to identify areas for improvement and suggest immediate, yet practical solutions. A facility that focuses on continuous improvement does not stop once a process is automated.

Clear the Fog of Peak Season: 4-Step Process

November 01, 2023
The fog of peak season. Does this sound like a similar experience to all warehouse operations team members? It’s earlier than usual and you know you have a very long day ahead of you. The building pulses with an electrifying energy but it's a frenetic, anxious feeling that everyone has in the pit of their stomach. The team knows that its “go time” as the customer order volume is going to be 3X the norm. As you walk out of the office and into the warehouse you are met with the sound of conveyor belts humming and the ceaseless beeping noise of forklifts darting all over the building. What is normally an orderly row of neatly stacked goods near pack out, now resembles a maze, as your team scrambles to locate items with urgency. Every corner of the warehouse is in motion, every aisle alive with the chaos of associates picking, workstations loaded with boxes for packout, and trailers are everywhere.

Digging into the Data: Understanding Leading vs. Lagging Metrics and Setting Effective KPI Targets

June 28, 2023
In today's data-driven world, organizations rely on KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure their progress towards achieving business objectives. In order to really dig into a company’s metrics, there are two important concepts to grasp when working with KPIs: leading and lagging metrics, and effective targets. By understanding the difference between these types of metrics and how to set appropriate KPI targets, businesses can make informed decisions and drive meaningful improvements.

Process and System Efficiency: You Can’t Improve What You Don’t Measure

April 26, 2023
KPIs are quantifiable metrics used to measure the success of a particular process or system. They are typically tied to specific objectives and goals and are used to track progress over time. KPIs are an essential tool for businesses to measure the effectiveness of their operations, identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions. This includes the material handling and automation industry.

5 Methods for Reducing Product Loss in Your Warehouse

July 20, 2022
There are a few major concerns in distribution system design that need to be consistently addressed. One of the most critical cost concerns is financial waste through damaged product. In a post-recession era when companies are working to “stay lean”, managing product waste is a tangible area where capital investment can lead to great returns.

The 8 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing Applied to Warehouse Operations

February 16, 2022
Using lean manufacturing principles to increase efficiency and productivity in warehouse operations by eliminating wasteful, non-value-added components. Read: The 8 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing Applied to Warehouse Operations

Kaizen Supply Chain: 8 Focus Areas for Achieving and Maintaining High Quality

July 14, 2021
Kaizen is a term that we’ve all likely heard at some time or another. Its use in various companies around the world has only grown, especially as they look to improve and refine materials handling and order fulfillment practices.

Employee Development: Path to a Lean Supply Chain

April 14, 2021
As a fundamental element, supply chain and logistics requires delivering a quality product to the consumer. The details behind quality product and on time delivery are complex and filled with complexities such as distribution center locations, advanced automation technologies, product specifications, throughput goals, and software support. And, while selecting the right automation equipment is important for a company’s competitive advantage, sustainable growth is most centered around the people. Lean supply chain management and the operational success is a product of the strength of your human resources. How do you create and foster sustainable human resource growth? While COVID-19 has forced companies to shift priorities and adjust manufacturing processes to deal with changing consumer demand and new safety precautions, the fundamentals continue to hold true for employee development: clarify goals and direction, identify the challenges, promote learning, and put that learning into practice.

30 Years of Industry Experience: Creating a Strong Foundation for Improved Kaizen Processes

January 27, 2021
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has penetrated every industry and forced changes throughout. Business processes have required accelerated reviews for the safety of the workforce and to adjust to changes in consumer demand. Supply chain and logistics has been in the spotlight with concerns about how shipments will get from one location to another, replenishment changes due to ecommerce trend acceleration, and demands for same day deliveries. This leads to process and management decisions.

Lean Six Sigma Part II: Do You Know What Your Customers Want?

January 20, 2011
As an officer in the U.S. Air Force, I was responsible for the phase inspection of our bomber aircraft. The team took the aircraft down for inspection, repairs, and preventative maintenance of safety-of-flight and mission-critical items. Our maintenance group commander, a colonel, constantly challenged our quality assurance (QA) pass rates on phase inspections. The goal was 96 percent, and on average, the unit hit that mark.
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

