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Digging into the Data: Understanding Leading vs. Lagging Metrics and Setting Effective KPI Targets

June 28, 2023
In today's data-driven world, organizations rely on KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure their progress towards achieving business objectives. In order to really dig into a company’s metrics, there are two important concepts to grasp when working with KPIs: leading and lagging metrics, and effective targets. By understanding the difference between these types of metrics and how to set appropriate KPI targets, businesses can make informed decisions and drive meaningful improvements.

The 8 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing Applied to Warehouse Operations

February 16, 2022
Using lean manufacturing principles to increase efficiency and productivity in warehouse operations by eliminating wasteful, non-value-added components. Read: The 8 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing Applied to Warehouse Operations

3 Key Lessons for New Year DC Throughput Efficiencies & Adaptability

January 19, 2021
We’ve all heard some variation of the saying “Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste” but how good are we at recognizing the crisis and the best way to capitalize on it? As we enter this new year, we must acknowledge 2020 was unlike any other year in many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted everything in our lives: personal, political, and professional. The world learned to work from home, educate from home, and to the point of this article – shop from home. What can be learned from this “Great Accelerator” event to ensure distribution centers are ready to adapt in the future and improve throughput efficiencies? Here are three lessons from this past year, and a few recommendations for each to ensure the 2020 distribution center (DC) “crisis” doesn’t go to waste:

Joint Process Improvement: How to Find the Right Partner

July 11, 2019
A joint process improvement program should reduce costs and improve quality - if you choose the right partner. Here are the characteristics you should look for to ensure success.
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

