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How Accessible Automation Can Optimize Distribution Amid Seasonal Fluctuations

May 29, 2024
Distribution centers are increasingly at the mercy of fluctuating demand, a challenge amplified by clear seasonal and ecommerce trends. As consumer behavior shifts and online shopping events gain traction, these facilities must adjust to significant peaks and valleys in product flow. This unpredictability can strain resources and complicate warehouse logistics.

Maximizing Efficiency: Eliminating Space Constraints with Material Handling Automation Solutions

May 22, 2024
Picture this: your organization is set for growth, but you're trapped in what feels like a life-size Rubik’s Cube, always moving pieces around to navigate your way through the space constraints of your warehouse. How do you optimize your operations when every inch of floor space counts?

When is Standardized Software a Good Fit for Your Warehouse Automation

May 15, 2024
Historically, intralogistics software providers have been known for providing very customized solutions to meet the unique needs of their various manufacturing and distribution center clients. Being in the industry for over 70 years, Bastian Solutions has identified various universal industry processes and created a standardized product suite with offerings in addition to providing customized solutions all under our proprietary software brand, Exacta®.

Continuous Improvement with Goods to Person Technology

April 24, 2024
When new material handling automation equipment is introduced to a manufacturing or distribution center, it is easy to lose focus on continuous improvement efforts. Often it is assumed that technology and automation have created a process which completely maximizes efficiencies and therefore cannot be improved. Kaizen, meaning continuous improvement, is a core tenant in TPS (Toyota Production System) and empowers individual team members to identify areas for improvement and suggest immediate, yet practical solutions. A facility that focuses on continuous improvement does not stop once a process is automated.

Streamlining Logistics: How Automation is Reshaping Warehouse Operations

April 17, 2024
Automation is not merely a buzzword; it's a transformative force reshaping the landscape of warehouse operations and logistics management. By harnessing the power of advanced automation technologies such as AS/RS systems, conveyor and sortation systems, robotics, GTP (goods to person), artificial intelligence, and data analytics, are streamlining their logistics processes like never before. From inventory management to order fulfilment, automation is revolutionizing every aspect of warehouse operations, driving efficiency, accuracy and agility.

Bastian Solutions at Logistics World Summit & Expo 2024

April 10, 2024
Whether your company is headquartered or has locations in Central America, you know how important the region is to global manufacturing, warehouse distribution and cross continental freight. Mexico and other Central American country’s location in the western hemisphere is both strategic for global trade as well as in-country distribution. Their skilled yet cost competitive labor force make them very desirable for many consumer goods, farming and agriculture, petroleum, and other raw materials for manufacturing.

Meeting Retail's New Demands: Bastian Solutions at RILA LINK 2024

February 21, 2024
Remaining competitive means staying ahead of retail's rapid changes, such as complex omnichannel business models, demanding planning cycles, and rising customer expectations. Retail leaders are coming together at this year's RILA LINK to tackle these challenges. They want integrated solutions to simplify operations and make customers happier.

The Unique Advantage of Bastian Solutions: A Complete Material Handling Systems Integrator

February 14, 2024
In warehouse automation and material handling systems, companies typically fall into two categories: manufacturers (OEMs) or integrators. Manufacturers are known for creating the hardware and technologies that power warehouse automation, while integrators specialize in bringing these diverse components together into a cohesive, functioning material handling system. At Bastian Solutions, we often encounter the question, 'Are you an integrator or a manufacturer?'

Addressing Labor Shortages and Turnover in Material Handling with Automated Picking Solutions

January 31, 2024
In the dynamic warehouse operations and logistics industry, a prominent issue consistently arises in corporate discussions and daily floor operations: the challenge of labor shortages and high employee turnover. As supply chain, operations, and production leaders, you know how these labor issues strain daily operations and threaten long-term growth and efficiency. The current scenario presents a stark contrast – while there's a booming demand for logistics and warehouse services, finding and retaining skilled labor to meet this demand has become increasingly more difficult. Frequent turnover amplifies these issues, leading to operational delays, escalating costs, and a decline in employee morale.

3PLs and Material Handling Integration

December 06, 2023
When people hear the term 3PL, they might ask questions such as: “What is a 3PL?” A 3PL or third-party logistics is a business that provides logistics operations to other business. These value-added logistic services include:

Holiday Order Fulfillment Calls for An Omnichannel Approach

November 29, 2023
Sales are on the rise again this holiday season and consumers are shopping in an omnichannel way. Black Friday, Cyber Monday and sales before and after the Thanksgiving holiday marked at least a week of special discounts and sales. It also marked a year over year increase in retail activity in the United States, spending an estimated $9.8 billion during Black Friday alone, according to Adobe Analytics. Originally a single day of sales, discounts and deals came early extending the sales period before Black Friday, potentially easing the Friday sales bump. In-store sales increased by 1.1%, while ecommerce sales rose by 8.5% year over year, according to MasterCard SpendingPulse. Final totals are still being tallied but reports from MasterCard SpendingPulse, Adobe Analytics and various consulting firms indicate that most likely due to the country’s inflation and economic pressures, consumers actively took advantage of the season’s special discounts, searching for the best deals. They are buying “closer-to-need” according to TD Cowen analysts.

The Past, Present and Future of Retail Supply Chain

September 20, 2023
With the global pandemic only a few years behind us, rising diesel prices, supply chain shortages and a drastically transformed customer shopping landscape, the closing of 2022 should have looked bleaker. However, the “hyper growth” that was seen in ecommerce during the pandemic moved 2025 projections up by years. At the closing of 2022 we’re seeing retail’s first trillion-dollar year. As the meteoric growth of online sales has begun to moderate, and as we look forward to 2023 it will be imperative for retailers to address the past, present and future of retail.
Results: 39 Blog Posts found.


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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

