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Tesla VS Edison la guerra de la corriente, Conveyors un nuevo campo de Batalla

January 06, 2017
Precisamente en el momento en donde el nombre de Tesla comienza a ganar su lugar en la historia, donde cada día se conoce mucho más de su genio incomprendido y nos hacemos partícipes de todas las mejoras que ayudaron a moldear mejor el mundo actual vengo a reavivar la llama de la famosa guerra entre la corriente directa y la corriente continua que se libró hace más de un siglo.

Controls Engineering Lessons Learned the Hard Way

December 23, 2010
Those of you in the business of making electricity do what you want it to do have all been there, whether you are an electrician, electrical engineer, or controls engineer you have been in a position where you have unnecessarily beat your head against the wall trying to solve a problem. When it is all said and done you realize that the root cause of the problem could have easily been avoided had you taken a few simple steps up front. From the "School of Hard Knocks," here are a few learned lessons that might be helpful to you.
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

