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A Deep Dive Into Revolutionizing India’s Ecommerce Warehouse Operations

July 10, 2024
Ecommerce warehousing involves storing, organizing, and managing goods in the supply chain for online retail. India is becoming one of the fastest-growing ecommerce markets in the world, so efficient warehousing solutions are essential. The Indian ecommerce warehousing market is growing rapidly now with no sign of slowing down. If you are an online retailer looking to gain a competitive edge in your market, read more to find out which technologies will benefit you as you start to plan your next warehouse operation upgrade.

Meeting Retail's New Demands: Bastian Solutions at RILA LINK 2024

February 21, 2024
Remaining competitive means staying ahead of retail's rapid changes, such as complex omnichannel business models, demanding planning cycles, and rising customer expectations. Retail leaders are coming together at this year's RILA LINK to tackle these challenges. They want integrated solutions to simplify operations and make customers happier.

Holiday Order Fulfillment Calls for An Omnichannel Approach

November 29, 2023
Sales are on the rise again this holiday season and consumers are shopping in an omnichannel way. Black Friday, Cyber Monday and sales before and after the Thanksgiving holiday marked at least a week of special discounts and sales. It also marked a year over year increase in retail activity in the United States, spending an estimated $9.8 billion during Black Friday alone, according to Adobe Analytics. Originally a single day of sales, discounts and deals came early extending the sales period before Black Friday, potentially easing the Friday sales bump. In-store sales increased by 1.1%, while ecommerce sales rose by 8.5% year over year, according to MasterCard SpendingPulse. Final totals are still being tallied but reports from MasterCard SpendingPulse, Adobe Analytics and various consulting firms indicate that most likely due to the country’s inflation and economic pressures, consumers actively took advantage of the season’s special discounts, searching for the best deals. They are buying “closer-to-need” according to TD Cowen analysts.

The Past, Present and Future of Retail Supply Chain

September 20, 2023
With the global pandemic only a few years behind us, rising diesel prices, supply chain shortages and a drastically transformed customer shopping landscape, the closing of 2022 should have looked bleaker. However, the “hyper growth” that was seen in ecommerce during the pandemic moved 2025 projections up by years. At the closing of 2022 we’re seeing retail’s first trillion-dollar year. As the meteoric growth of online sales has begun to moderate, and as we look forward to 2023 it will be imperative for retailers to address the past, present and future of retail.

6 Considerations for Retail E-Fulfillment Polybag Packing Automation

August 16, 2023
Bag or box? They aren’t the only packing options, but they are certainly the most prevalent when it comes to retail fulfillment. With ecommerce activity on the rise, planning for and designing DC efficiency around single order pick and pack operations is a necessary shift to remaining competitive in the retail industry. Not only does this factor into meeting consumers’ quick turnaround expectations but also in keeping costs low. When it comes to packing and shipping, you can make efficiencies in larger factors such as operations and system design but also in smaller details like the size of the parcel. Shipping fast and cost efficiently is a balancing act that starts in warehouse or distribution center design. Whether you are working with polybags, boxes or both, appropriate automation sizing and integration with surrounding equipment has immediate and lasting impacts.

The Effectiveness of Slotting in Warehouse Operations

March 01, 2023
Warehouse slotting, velocity slotting, re-slotting – these are all commonly used terms when referring to SKU optimization. What does it mean and what does it look like for warehouse operations? Put simply, velocity slotting is an organizational strategy that utilizes storage zones within a warehouse to store products by pick frequency. It’s impact stretches to positively impact costs, inventory performance and satisfying customer service level agreements, to name a few. Let’s take a deeper look at the effectiveness of slotting.
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'Looking Beyond Technology' at RILA LINK 2023

February 08, 2023
Bastian Solutions will be present at RILA LINK in Orlando, FL this month. Joining the retail order fulfillment and automation conversation with thousands of supply chain executives to connect, learn and explore leading best practices. With over 2,000 retail supply chain leaders in one place, LINK is the perfect event for Bastian to connect with carriers, vendors and other key partners.
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Industry Leaders, Innovators and Investors at Manifest 2023

January 18, 2023
Bastian Solutions is excited to join supply chain and logistics professionals for the second annual Manifest trade show, the premiere gathering of industry leaders, innovators and investors for a showcase of innovation and transformation across the logistics and supply chain tech industry. Manifest brings unprecedented access to the people and technologies changing the way the world moves.
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Thrive During Peak Season: 3 Order Fulfillment Considerations

December 07, 2022
Peak season is here. While Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the biggest sales days of the year, have come and gone, order fulfillment operations are busy ensuring that orders are filled accurately, packaged carefully and shipped on time. For retailers, this is both a time of getting through the peak and also an opportunity to shine ahead of competitors. Handling seasonal peaks requires automation that simplifies the surge in distribution.

Creating a Unique Customer Experience: Decathlon Leverages Micro-Fulfillment

November 09, 2022
From concept to micro-fulfillment reality, Decathlon and Bastian Solutions worked together to create an in-store, customer-facing micro-fulfillment system.

Créer une expérience client unique : Decathlon mise sur la micro-exécution

November 09, 2022
Du concept à la réalité de la micro-exécution, Decathlon et Bastian Solutions ont collaboré pour créer un système de micro-exécution en magasin en contact avec les clients. « L'objectif de Decathlon était de créer un nouveau parcours client unique et amélioré en supprimant idéalement les tâches sans valeur ajoutée pour le personnel », a déclaré Diba Aleagha, responsable des opérations et du commerce électronique pour Decathlon Canada.
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Webcast Recap: Robotics Accelerates Retail Digitization

October 05, 2022
In a recent webcast, Matt Kohler, Bastian Solutions’ Applications Director, and other industry leaders discussed how both online and traditional retailers can take advantage of automation as peak season approaches. A key topic discussed during the webcast was the importance of collecting and analyzing data to provide timely and actionable insights for customers.
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