The Material Handling Blog

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You Need it When?! The Challenges of Same-Day Delivery

September 22, 2021
With continuing growth in ecommerce sales and mobile device usage, companies will need to master the art of fulfillment in minutes to meet same-day delivery requests.

Lessons From the Amazon Effect

December 19, 2018
How the retail and material handling industries have evolved to service increasing e

On-Demand Packaging Saves Time, Space and Money

August 03, 2017
Have you heard anyone talk about “on demand packaging”, “right sizing boxes”, or “custom box making”? These terms refer to using box making equipment to deliver the sizes of boxes you really need, when you need them. Here's why it's beneficial.

A Beginner's Guide to Order Picking Technologies

August 01, 2017
Time to impress upper management with four picking technologies you should know when beginning a career in the supply chain.

Configuring Your AutoStore System: 5 Design Parameters

July 25, 2017
AutoStore is an automated, high density warehouse storage system. Its modular design and standard components make its configurability nearly endless.
Posted in System Automation

The Death of Brick and Mortar Retail…Not So Fast!

June 29, 2017
Never in our lifetimes have we seen such as change in the retail supply chain. The traditional process of regional distribution centers shipping to brick and mortar stores has been significantly altered by online fulfillment from the likes of and an ever-growing list of online retailers.

Augmented Reality (AR): The Future of Supply Chains?

March 24, 2017
Augmented reality and virtual reality are new technologies being applied to the ever evolving supply chain. Integrating these devices with warehouse software, picking processes, and robotics could be the future of distribution and manufacturing operations.

E-Commerce, the Economy, and Our On Demand World

January 24, 2017
A movie, pizza, pair of shoes, microwave…your new material handling system. All these things and anything else you can think of are now available with a few keystrokes and a click of a mouse. All this buying is not only driving the retail market, but also growing other businesses.

Y tú ya has comprado por internet? Como estar preparado para el Boom del e-commerce en México

January 16, 2017
Cada día vemos como están llegando nuevos servicios de comercio electrónico a los retailers que ya conocemos, así como nuevos jugadores. Esto porque todos quieren ser parte de los USD 3.2 B que representa e-retail, con un crecimiento del 15% sostenido. Leer: Preparación para el boom del e-commerce en México

The Whole 9 Yards on E-Commerce

December 21, 2016
With an unprecedented ability to compare prices and shop around without ever leaving the house, more and more people are utilizing E-commerce. So how are successful E-commerce companies setting themselves apart? Read on to find out.

What’s the Impact of Cyber Monday Beating Black Friday?

January 05, 2016
For the very first time in American consumer shopping history, Cyber Monday generated more revenue than Black Friday. In total, US e-commerce exceeded $400B in 2015, up 25% YOY (year over year). Soon the US Commerce Department will announce that fourth quarter sales accounted for nearly 40% of online sales for the year.
Posted in Industry News

The E-Commerce Pick Module

October 15, 2015
Goods-to-person picking, the new buzzword in material handling, is a great option for operations with a high number of SKU’s and a relatively low cubic velocity of SKU’s, but in an operation that has very fast moving or large items, it can be prohibitively expensive to use this technology throughout. Sometimes it is best to use, or supplement a goods-to-person operation, with a pick module.
Results: 15 Blog Posts found.


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