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Design: Step 4 in the DMADV Process for Supply Chain Improvement

July 16, 2014
In this article, we continue our review of the DMADV 5-step process for improving your supply chain. Design is step four in the process and involves leveraging the criteria, characteristics and flows developed in the “Analysis” step to look at alternative designs and technologies to create the best facility layout.

Analyze: Step 3 in the DMADV Process to Improve Your Supply Chain

June 30, 2014
In previous editions of this article series the Define and Measure stages of the Five Step Decision Making Process (DMADV) to drive supply chain improvements were discussed paving the way for step 3 - Analyze. During this step, the overall performance of the system is evaluated using statistical models to analyze transactional and inventory data.

Measure: Step 2 in the DMADV Process to Improve Your Supply Chain

June 05, 2014
DMADV stands for: Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Validate. It is a problem-solving approach used by our consultants to help customers make the best decisions for their warehouse and ultimately their supply chain. We've reviewed step 1, but here's more information on step 2: Measure.

Defining the Problem: Step 1 in the 5-Step Decision Making Process to Improve Your Supply Chain

May 22, 2014
In a previous article, we started the discussion on the 5-step decision making process, DMADV, and how it helps you make better decisions in your supply chain or any area of your business. In a series of articles, we’ll further explore and define each step so you can get the most out of this process. In today's article, step 1... Read: Step 1 - Defining the Problem

The 5-Step Decision Making Process to Improve Your Supply Chain

March 03, 2014
Sometimes it can be hard to make a decision, especially when that decision will cause major changes to the status quo or cost a lot of money. So how do you know you’re making the right choice? One way is to use the proven Bastian Consulting 5-step methodology, DMADV, as your decision making process. Read: The 5-Step Decision Making Process
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