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4 DC Design Focus Areas: Beyond Automated Warehouse Technology

July 12, 2023
Streamlining the complex processes of getting products from inbound receiving to outbound truck loading requires thoughtful orchestration of functions within the four walls of distribution and fulfillment centers that extends beyond selecting the right automated technology. Let’s take a look at five more areas that you’ll want to consider during the planning phase to unlock even more efficiency opportunities.

Sorting Through Sorters: Your Guide to Sortation Conveyor

July 27, 2022
The heart of most distribution centers today is sortation. If it is applied correctly, products are efficiently routed to appropriate areas of the facility. Applied incorrectly, and the consequences can be catastrophic, often times costing companies millions of dollars in wasted labor and non-value added processes. Read: Your Guide to Sortation Conveyors

5 Common Mistakes in Distribution Center Operation Design

June 08, 2022
Before products can be sent on their way to individual doorsteps or stores, there are a lot of individual yet highly connected functions. All of these tasks are housed in a single DC (distribution center). As straightforward as it may seem to get products from inbound receiving docks to outbound shipping and truck loading, there are a few key considerations to avoid common mistakes in layout and design. Unlocking efficiency opportunities means thinking through safety considerations, the placement of functions and technologies in the warehouse, understanding of drawbacks or potential challenges, and evaluating what can and cannot or should not be automated. Let’s take a look at some of the common mistakes and considerations to avoid them.

4 etapas para avaliar e decidir sobre a Automação DC

December 14, 2021
Se seu centro de distribuição cresceu em ambos os SKU e o volume de pedidos e seu pedido típico mudou de varejo para vendas de comércio eletrônico, resultando em solicitações maiores de pedidos pequenos, é possível que sua produtividade de separação não seja adequada. Você também pode estar com dificuldades de encontrar mão de obra para enviar pedidos rapidamente e cumprir os acordos de nível de serviço. Esses são apenas alguns desafios que grandes e pequenas empresas de todo o mundo estão enfrentando enquanto se adaptam às mudanças de mercado e mudam as operações de atendimento para cumprir as últimas demandas do comércio eletrônico.

4 pasos para la evaluación y la decisión de la automatización del centro de distribución

December 14, 2021
Si en su centro de distribución ha crecido el número de SKU y el volumen de pedidos, o si el pedido típico ha pasado de las ventas de retail a las de comercio electrónico, aumentando las peticiones de pedidos más pequeños, es posible que su productividad de picking no sea la correcta. Además, es posible que tenga dificultades en la contratación de mano de obra para despachar pedidos con rapidez y cumplir sus acuerdos de nivel de servicio. Estas son solo algunas de las dificultades a las que se enfrentan empresas grandes y pequeñas de todo el mundo al adaptarse a los cambios del mercado y pasar de las operaciones de servicio de pedidos a las últimas demandas del comercio electrónico.

Repensando a automação de empacotamento DC para atendimento eletrônico

November 16, 2021
A seleção, o empacotamento e o envio é bastante simples. Mas com pressões cada vez maiores para processar pedidos de forma mais rápida, essas tarefas podem dar à sua empresa uma vantagem competitiva. Quando analiso para o centro de distribuição do cliente, há certos indicadores que procuro para encontrar oportunidades de melhoria. Para uma empresa que processa pedidos de comércio eletrônico, os tanques de coleta estão no topo dessa lista. Embora algumas vezes eles sejam necessários, costumam ser uma bandeira vermelha para ineficiências operacionais subjacentes. No entanto, essas ineficiências são facilmente solucionadas por meio de uma combinação de atualizações do fluxo do processo e nova automação. Esses projetos geralmente têm um ROI incrível, pagando o investimento inicial em um a dois anos. Além disso, são escolhas fáceis para o cliente implementar.

PUMA’s DC Automation Thrives Amid Pandemic Retail Peak Season Shifts

November 10, 2021
Designed for agility and growth, PUMA’s new Indianapolis distribution center was immediately put to the test facing unprecedented ecommerce demand in addition to new, unexpected safety measures.

Tompkins Robotics: Automating Hyperlocal and DC Sortation from End to End

October 13, 2021
In today’s global market – facing an acceleration in ecommerce and managing the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic – flexibility is not only key, but a necessity. The flexibility to scale up or down and use automation where it fits best in order to help to maintain a leading edge in the industry markets. Facilitating greater speed, agility and adaptability in warehouse distribution and order fulfillment, Tompkins Robotics’ solutions are designed to allow customers to be more successful in dynamically changing environments. In 2019, Bastian Solutions added Tompkins Robotics’ autonomous mobile robot (AMRs) solution to our growing portfolio of automation capabilities. We talked to Mike Futch, the CEO and President of Tompkins Robotics, for a deeper insight on the technology and future of DC automation development.

PUMA’s Automation Evolution: Retail eFulfillment with Advanced Warehouse Systems

September 29, 2021
“Quite frankly, we were gonna burst.” Sports company PUMA was not only quickly outgrowing their primary U.S. ecommerce distribution center in California, they were also facing increasing pressures in the rapidly evolving and growing North America ecommerce retail market. And, this was prior to the rapid ecommerce growth triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Looking to reach their east coast customers faster and more efficiently, a new automated warehouse was planned and opened in 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Rethinking DC Packing Automation for E-fulfillment

June 16, 2021
Pick, pack and ship is fairly straightforward but with increasing pressures to process orders faster and faster, these tasks can give your company a competitive edge.

Finding the Perfect Automated Storage and Retrieval System

June 09, 2011
Last month a colleague of mine, Derek Cribley, wrote a blog article about the evolution of Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) since he first started working with them 15 years ago. To give you an appreciation for the breadth of solutions available, I thought I could share my experience from a recent project I worked on involving an ASRS system for pallet storage. Read More >>
Posted in System Automation
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