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Back to Basics: 4 Common Types of Racking & Their Benefits

October 18, 2018
Racking is one of the most basic tools in material handling. Here is a simple overview of 4 common types and their benefits. Read: Back to Basics: 4 Common Types of Racking & Their Benefits

Carton Flow Rack: Which Type is Right for you?

April 13, 2017
Carton flow rack is one of the many places in the material handling world where gravity is used to assist in the transportation of products. Carton flow utilizes a slightly declined array of rollers or skate wheels to provide an efficient, steady supply of product to an employee picking product for various applications.

Carton Flow Rack: Roller vs. Wheel

February 02, 2017
By definition, carton flow rack is easy to understand; a form of shelving that uses a rear load design, as an item is removed from the front the item directly behind it takes its place. The idea gets to be distinctly harder to comprehend when choosing between rollers and wheels for your carton flow.

9 Things to Consider Before Buying a Carton Flow Rack System

May 20, 2016
Carton flow rack can be a valuable tool that allows users to save space and increase efficiency in order fulfillment operations. The key is selecting the right type of carton flow rack for your facility. There are several options to choose from, and there are several factors that must be considered.

The E-Commerce Pick Module

October 15, 2015
Goods-to-person picking, the new buzzword in material handling, is a great option for operations with a high number of SKU’s and a relatively low cubic velocity of SKU’s, but in an operation that has very fast moving or large items, it can be prohibitively expensive to use this technology throughout. Sometimes it is best to use, or supplement a goods-to-person operation, with a pick module.
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