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Factory Acceptance Testing for Custom Automation

July 12, 2013
How do you test and prove functionality of a piece of equipment that has never been designed or built before? The answer is an obvious one: custom automation requires custom acceptance testing...

Quality Through Innovation Builds Lasting Relationships

February 07, 2013
Have you ever heard the saying “You get what you pay for”? This is usually synonymous with the thought that you need to spend more money to get higher quality products. However, this is typically not aligned with the majority of consumers who want more for less. The higher quality products are expected...

Transitioning from a FIRST Student to a FIRST Mentor

January 16, 2013
A stadium is packed, adults and kids filling the stands and watching in anticipation. Fans loudly cheer on their team, proudly wearing their teams' colors, while fans back home watch the game on ESPN. Both teams are vying for a guaranteed playoff spot within their division and have had a long season getting to this point. Think this is your typical sporting event? Think again. Welcome to Einstein Field during the championship event of a FIRST Robotics Competition.

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Automation Proposal

December 05, 2012
You spent years trying to get this new automation project in the budget, and you just found out it's been approved!  So after months of planning, you've developed a detailed bid specification for what this project requires, and you've released a detailed RFQ. You might think all the hard work is behind you, but you're actually just getting started. Here are 5 tips to help you choose the right automation proposal...

Manufacturing Renaissance in the U.S.?

July 26, 2012
It wasn’t all that long ago U.S. manufacturing prowess was the envy of the world, but then numerous U.S.-based companies decided to move their manufacturing operations abroad due to world competition and cost constraints. In recent years, however, a fascinating and somewhat silent trend has developed; U.S.-based manufacturing is making an exciting and notable comeback .
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