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Efficiency and Safety: Navigation in Industrial AVs

March 13, 2024
Within the realm of industrial vehicle automation, the terms “dynamic path planning” and “obstacle avoidance” have recently generated buzz. On the surface, the idea of an AV (autonomous vehicle) having the capability to independently navigate around unforeseen obstacles appears to be a valuable feature. And, make no mistake, there are certainly specific applications where that feature can be beneficial. This blog post will expand on the other navigation methods and why AV OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) make the deliberate choice to use them.

3PLs and Material Handling Integration

December 06, 2023
When people hear the term 3PL, they might ask questions such as: “What is a 3PL?” A 3PL or third-party logistics is a business that provides logistics operations to other business. These value-added logistic services include:

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) for Enhanced Efficiency & Seamless Automation

July 19, 2023
AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) have emerged as a distribution or manufacturing operation game-changer. For those seeking solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce costs and streamline operations, AMRs offer a cost-effective solution. These versatile robots can move and operate independently, revolutionizing various industries and opening new possibilities for automation. AMRs can meet various application process needs, allowing them to easily fit into existing company operations.

Interview Recap: Getting Started with Mobile Robotics

December 21, 2022
Recently, Bastian’s Autonomous Vehicles General Manager, Michael Marcum, spoke with other industry experts about insights on getting started with mobile robotics.

Thrive During Peak Season: 3 Order Fulfillment Considerations

December 07, 2022
Peak season is here. While Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the biggest sales days of the year, have come and gone, order fulfillment operations are busy ensuring that orders are filled accurately, packaged carefully and shipped on time. For retailers, this is both a time of getting through the peak and also an opportunity to shine ahead of competitors. Handling seasonal peaks requires automation that simplifies the surge in distribution.

BlueBotics: Bringing Interoperability to AGVs and AMRs Today

August 24, 2022
Easier than ever to integrate into operations, AGVs (automated guided vehicles) and AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) are transforming the way manufacturing and distribution centers operate. This cost-effective solution increases efficiency, improves working conditions and easily scales to match business growth. Technologies like BlueBotics ANT opens possibilities through their advanced fleet management capabilities and interoperability. This means customers can carefully build-out the vehicle tech stack they need for their business. BlueBotics ANT is part of the Bastian Solutions growing portfolio of automation capabilities.

Autonomous Vehicles: Bringing Flexibility to Indian Warehouse Operations

August 09, 2022
Autonomous vehicles such as AGVs (automated guided vehicles) and AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) are self-guided load carriers that can autonomously travel to execute tasks assigned to them and can be the best fit for distribution centres, warehouses or manufacturing facilities. These vehicles can work independently without an onboard operator due to the latest innovation in sensors and control devices that help drive the navigation.

3 Steps to Choosing Material Handling Technologies that Last

July 06, 2022
Technology advancements are being made all the time, whether it’s new gadgets or software. In fact, it seems as though any time you look at the latest tech news a newer version of a product you've just purchased has come out. The same challenge exists with material handling and supply chain automation. Whether it's upgrading a conveyor system, adding a goods to person or AS/RS (automated storage and retrieval system), or state-of-the-art robotic automation, there are several factors that one should consider when looking into a new technology.

Optimizing the Outbound Logistics Process

June 29, 2022
With the boom in the ecommerce market, companies will have to optimize outbound processes in order to keep up with the race and continue to meet customer expectations – correct orders with on time fulfilment. Let's look at how.

Automation is Becoming the New Normal in India Warehousing

March 29, 2022
The warehousing industry has grown in the last few years by becoming more intentionally planned, multifaceted and accessible. It’s a push towards automation. This will progress further in the upcoming years, especially as companies look to meet customer’s fast fulfilment expectations and challenges like labour and real estate availability continue. The last few decades have shed a light on how products get to consumers, bringing increased attention to warehousing and distribution which has evolved the focus bringing substantial study and investment.

Pandemic Accelerated Growth: 5 Ways AGVs and AMRs are an Asset to Your Operations

November 12, 2020
Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are transforming the way manufacturing and distribution centers operate. They are easier than ever to integrate into your operations and are currently seeing a significant boost in adoption.
Results: 12 Blog Posts found.


Latest Case Study




Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

