The Material Handling Blog


Hytrol SC Pivoting Wheel Sorter

Sortation – 5 Reasons to Consider the Hytrol SC Pivoting Wheel Sorter

Blain Cook | 28 May 2014

Merely utter the words “pop-up wheel sorter” and instantly one is bombarded with a plethora of negative remarks including “breaks, missed diverts, product damage, low speed, cheap.” The list goes on and on. However, Hytrol Conveyor Company’s ProSort SC Pivoting Wheel Sorter challenges all of these past observations. In my 23 years in the material handling industry, I’ve yet to find a better, more cost-effective solution for mid-speed sortation. Here are five reasons why you should consider the Hytrol ProSort SC Pivoting Wheel Sorter.

1. The Hytrol ProSort SC is not a “pop-up” sorter – The Hytrol ProSort SC is a completely different design than the poorly designed sorters that instantly fill your mind when you think of a wheel sorter. Instead of individual beds of angled wheels that pneumatically “pop-up” to divert the product, the Hytrol ProSort SC features two series of wheels that are set at the same elevation as the infeed and exit belts on the sorter. The sets of wheels only pivot, which significantly reduces movement of product and missed diverts.

2. The Hytrol ProSort SC is fast, wicked fast – Hytrol states that the SC sorter can run at speeds as fast as 300 feet per minute. However, I’ve personally set this sorter to run in excess of this speed with no issues. With well-engineered dynamic product gapping and individual wheel bank timing, I’ve helped design and implement systems that exceed sortation rates of 65 cases per minute. With the right product mix, I believe throughput rates as high as 80 cases per minute can be achieved. Bastian Solutions has years of experience with sortation controls and our existing Hytrol ProSort control code allows for quick and issue-free system startup.

3. The Hytrol ProSort SC is simple and easy to work on – I’ve yet to meet a competent maintenance technician who would prefer to work on another sorter. When compared to high-speed, sliding shoe sorters, the SC is very simple in design and less prone to costly downtime. I personally advise having a complete divert tub on the shelf as a spare part kit. This can be changed out in a short amount of time if issues arise – which is rare, provided that the unit is maintained and the air pressure is set to factory recommended pressure (40 psi on the diverts and 12 psi on the pneumatic tensioner at the drive).

4. The Hytrol ProSort SC is compact and easy to install – As opposed to other sortation technology, such as sliding shoe sorters, the SC is very compact in design and takes up much less floor space. Plus, the divert spurs can be placed on very close centers. It is also very easy to install, as the divert tubs arrive at the jobsite already in place. All that is required from the installer is setting the bed sections and routing and tracking the conveyor belt. It’s that easy.

5. The Hytrol ProSort SC is economical – When compared to other sortation technology, it’s hard to beat the price point of the Hytrol SC Pivoting Wheel sorter. It’s been my experience that the SC is usually 50 to 60% the cost of a sliding shoe sorter. If your rate and product mix make sense, the Hytrol ProSort SC may be the right choice for you. If you are considering a sortation solution for your facility, the ProSort is an excellent option, but we’re happy to help you review all your options to ensure the right decision.

Here is a review of all our sortation options. Contact us if you need assistance finding the best sortation option for your application.

Author: Blain Cook


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