The Material Handling Blog



ProMat Recap: The Future of AGVs is Here

Bailey Ludlam | 19 April 2023

Setting new records, ProMat 2023 at McCormick Place in Chicago featured more than 50,000 registrants and about 1,050 exhibitors. Bastian Solutions was once again excited to be among the manufacturing and supply chain community and leaders in the industry.

The show was an opportunity for learning, connecting and discovery. 

"The future of the material handling industry is very exciting. We're really at the point where we are going to see some technologies evolve," said Aaron Jones, President and CEO of Bastian Solutions. "That really start to provide clients an efficient and effective manner to achieve all of their KPIs and business objectives."  

Featured Technologies

This year, Bastian presented the most recent innovations in its line of autonomous vehicles and demonstrated an AI-powered solution that integrates seamlessly with various automation technologies. Leveraging years of experience across various industries, these innovations show how combining these advanced technologies in unique ways can help us deliver a competitive edge for our customers. 

As a global systems integrator, "for us the technologies that we bring to market really have to complement a purpose," said Jones. Adding to Bastian's line of advanced technologies and system solutions, at ProMat, Bastian introduced: 

CB18 Automated Forklift: Able to navigate without the need for costly infrastructure, a fleet of CB18s can be implemented quickly to make an immediate impact on operations. Expertly engineered to improve product and employee safety, accommodate layout limitations, adjust to seasonal demands and ease labor availability challenges, this product will optimize both manufacturing and distribution facilities.

Bastian Solutions ML2 Mini Load AV: a flexible, compact and highly maneuverable option to automate a variety of applications; from warehouse assembly lines to picking and sortation in distribution operations.

Bastian Solutions M10Tug AV: a dependable, flexible and cost-effective way to automate and optimize your manufacturing and assembly line processes

Bastian Solutions SmartPick: This AI-powered robotic picking solution can pick from even the most complex assortment of products with 99.9% accuracy.

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Finding Your Competitive Edge

The fierce competition for warehouse space and fulfillment labor combined with growing customer demands and ever-evolving technology offerings can make it overwhelmingly noisy and difficult to navigate. That challenge can make it hard to identify the solution that will help companies meet business objectives today and in the future. To add to that complexity, the supply chain industry is ever-growing and evolving. Our team of engineers can help guide through the noise that companies may be facing. Learn more about our featured technologies, seminar and innovative material handling solutions here

We look forward to seeing you next year at MODEX!

Author: Bailey Ludlam

Bailey is the Brand Manager at Bastian Solutions, based out of Indianapolis, Indiana. She is PCM certified through American Marketing Association, has a bachelor’s degree from Washington College and 10 years experience working in marketing and journalism. Outside of work, Bailey enjoys spending time with her husband and two children and can usually be found hiking, running or creating with LEGO bricks. 


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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

