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Is Mobile Pallet Racking the Right Fit for Your Warehouse?

Marvin Logan | 01 February 2018

If space is a concern, mobile pallet racking could give you the square footage needed to avoid a costly move or build.

In today’s world, we are continuously looking for ways to cut operating costs, maximize the capacity in our facilities, and become more efficient in our everyday processes. As industrial space becomes more difficult to find, mobile pallet racking is emerging as a viable solution.

Mobile pallet racking has been around for many years now but not readily explored in the United States when considering pallet rack solutions. We have always been blessed with space and large facilities to grow into, where storage capacity was a non-factor. However, times are beginning to change, and we are faced with the adversity of space, efficiencies, and cutting costs.

Moving into, expanding, or constructing larger facilities is not as easy of a task as it has been in the past. We now must pursue different avenues to increase our storage capacities in our facilities, which alleviate space constraints. This is where mobile pallet racking could be the perfect solution.

Exploring Mobile Pallet Racking

benefits of mobile pallet rackingThere are many positives when considering this technology. A key point to take away is that you can greatly reduce the footprint of your storage capacity and nearly double the amount of pallet positions at your disposal. This will allow you to improve the amount of floor space available at your facility for production, more storage, or anything material handling related.

When considering this technology, there is one thing to keep in mind however.  While it is dense storage, only one lane of racking is accessible at a time. This is the perfect solution for medium to low moving SKUs within an operation. High moving SKUs are not the best fit for this technology as it will take time opening new lanes in the system, which will decrease efficiency. A solution to this could be coupling the mobile pallet racking with another form of racking to handle the high moving SKUs.

Various other pallet racking avenues that could be explored and combined with mobile pallet racking are:

  • Conventional selective pallet racking
  • Pallet flow racking
  • Push back pallet racking
  • Drive in/drive through pallet racking

There are many things to consider and keep in mind when exploring mobile pallet racking; however, if space is a concern, it is a great solution in many cases. With this technology, you can gain the extra efficiency and productivity you need. If you have questions or would like more information on mobile pallet racking, please contact us.


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