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The Impact of Material Handling Automation on McDougall & Sons' Cherry Production

June 27, 2024
From orchard to market: See how advanced automation and data analytics from RH Brown, now proudly part of Bastian Solutions, transformed a fourth-generation family business. Wenatchee, Washington, may be known as the "Apple Capital of the World," but is also renowned for its bountiful sweet cherry orchards. McDougall & Sons, a fourth-generation family-owned business, has been growing, processing, and distributing cherries and other tree fruits for decades. With Washington state producing millions of pounds of cherries annually, meeting the demand for fresh and high-quality sweet cherries is no small achievement. McDougall & Sons faced the challenge of increasing processing rates, managing peak capacity, and balancing production across multiple lines. To meet the demand for customers in both domestic and export markets, they partnered with RH Brown. Their collaboration led to significant improvements through advanced material handling automation, warehouse control software, and data analytics, transforming McDougall & Sons' operations and efficiency.

How Accessible Automation Can Optimize Distribution Amid Seasonal Fluctuations

May 29, 2024
Distribution centers are increasingly at the mercy of fluctuating demand, a challenge amplified by clear seasonal and ecommerce trends. As consumer behavior shifts and online shopping events gain traction, these facilities must adjust to significant peaks and valleys in product flow. This unpredictability can strain resources and complicate warehouse logistics.

Efficiency and Safety: Navigation in Industrial AVs

March 13, 2024
Within the realm of industrial vehicle automation, the terms “dynamic path planning” and “obstacle avoidance” have recently generated buzz. On the surface, the idea of an AV (autonomous vehicle) having the capability to independently navigate around unforeseen obstacles appears to be a valuable feature. And, make no mistake, there are certainly specific applications where that feature can be beneficial. This blog post will expand on the other navigation methods and why AV OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) make the deliberate choice to use them.

Industrial Distribution: SMC Doubles Picking and Increases Same-Day Shipments

January 17, 2024
Growth. Striving for a $2 billion annual revenue goal, SMC Corporation needed a facility and automation technology solution that could meet them where they were and easily support their vision for growth. As a global leader and manufacturer of automatic control equipment, SMC had grown to over 80 subsidiaries and joint ventures around the world. They serve customers in a variety of industries and had grown to 30% of global market share in the pneumatics industry.

Holiday Order Fulfillment Calls for An Omnichannel Approach

November 29, 2023
Sales are on the rise again this holiday season and consumers are shopping in an omnichannel way. Black Friday, Cyber Monday and sales before and after the Thanksgiving holiday marked at least a week of special discounts and sales. It also marked a year over year increase in retail activity in the United States, spending an estimated $9.8 billion during Black Friday alone, according to Adobe Analytics. Originally a single day of sales, discounts and deals came early extending the sales period before Black Friday, potentially easing the Friday sales bump. In-store sales increased by 1.1%, while ecommerce sales rose by 8.5% year over year, according to MasterCard SpendingPulse. Final totals are still being tallied but reports from MasterCard SpendingPulse, Adobe Analytics and various consulting firms indicate that most likely due to the country’s inflation and economic pressures, consumers actively took advantage of the season’s special discounts, searching for the best deals. They are buying “closer-to-need” according to TD Cowen analysts.

Self-Driving Forklifts: The Future of Pallet Transportation

October 25, 2023
The fascination with automation has been amplified by the rise of AI (artificial intelligence) and the emergence of seemingly self-driving cars. This trend has made “automation” an ubiquitous term worldwide. Manufacturing and warehousing facilities are at the forefront of adopting automation due to the numerous advantages it offers, including waste reduction, increased production efficiency and a compelling ROI (return on investment). In fact, technology like self-driving vehicles isn’t new to the warehouse environment but it has come a very long way since it was first introduced. In this post, we’ll dive into how advanced technology is being leveraged to complement warehouse operations and how you can plan for successful integration.

The Past, Present and Future of Retail Supply Chain

September 20, 2023
With the global pandemic only a few years behind us, rising diesel prices, supply chain shortages and a drastically transformed customer shopping landscape, the closing of 2022 should have looked bleaker. However, the “hyper growth” that was seen in ecommerce during the pandemic moved 2025 projections up by years. At the closing of 2022 we’re seeing retail’s first trillion-dollar year. As the meteoric growth of online sales has begun to moderate, and as we look forward to 2023 it will be imperative for retailers to address the past, present and future of retail.

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) for Enhanced Efficiency & Seamless Automation

July 19, 2023
AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) have emerged as a distribution or manufacturing operation game-changer. For those seeking solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce costs and streamline operations, AMRs offer a cost-effective solution. These versatile robots can move and operate independently, revolutionizing various industries and opening new possibilities for automation. AMRs can meet various application process needs, allowing them to easily fit into existing company operations.

Closing the Automation Gap with Intralogistics Software

May 17, 2023
Robotic order picking and sorting are becoming key technologies in warehouse automation and often provide huge advantages to distribution centers over more conventional order fulfillment methods. However, without a versatile WCS (warehouse control system) or WES (warehouse execution system), it can be difficult to integrate such technologies into a complex operation.

ProMat Recap: The Future of AGVs is Here

April 19, 2023
Bastian Solutions was once again excited to attend ProMat at McCormick Place in Chicago. This year's booth featured a live system demonstration that integrated multiple technologies, including several of our autonomous vehicles, Bastian Solutions SmartPick, AutoStore, Tompkins Robotics tSort, Bastian Solutions Conveyor, and more. We hosted a live seminar "Cutting Through the Noise: How to look beyond technology and meet business objectives". We also unveiled our newest product, the CB18 AGF, during a live press conference at our booth on Monday, March 20th.

Bringing the Future to You at ProMat 2023

March 15, 2023
The fierce competition for warehouse space and fulfillment labor combined with growing customer demands and ever-evolving technology offerings can make it overwhelmingly noisy and difficult to navigate. That challenge can make it hard to identify the solution that will help companies meet business objectives today and in the future. To add to that complexity, the supply chain industry is ever-growing and evolving. Our team of engineers can help guide through the noise that companies may be facing. Bastian Solutions is eager to attend this year’s ProMat tradeshow March 20-23, 2023, to discuss some of these supply chain challenges with attendees.

The Comprehensive Solution for Fluid Trailer Loading: ULTRA BLUE® Automated Robotic Truck Loader

March 08, 2023
Floor or fluid trailer loading is a common task that companies utilize to maximize the cube utilization of a trailer. Unfortunately, the improved usage of shipping space comes with an increased operational cost. At its core, fluid loading is an extremely labor-intensive task that has proven to be difficult to complete and staff. The work environment, ergonomic strain, and monotony of the task lead to high turnover rates and a physically strained workforce. Not to mention the increased costs and reduced throughputs resulting from cases being double handled. Fortunately, Bastian Solutions has addressed these issues with the ULTRA BLUE® robotic truck loader.
Results: 107 Blog Posts found.


Latest Case Study




Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

