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A Poem About "The Robot Industry" in Honor of National Robotics Week

Steven Hogg | 11 April 2014

As a Robotics Application Engineer, I work to develop systems that are innovative and push the boundaries of my own creativity. If you are not continually pushing yourself to improve and innovate, then your skills will become static. This is the same thinking behind National Robotics Week. It is important to celebrate how far the robotics industry has come, but we also want to encourage continued education and growth in the field.

Poetry is one way I take my ideas and express them creatively. This not only helps me as an applications engineer, but it also helps in my communications skills as well. We should all look inside ourselves to find creative and unique ways to push ourselves and innovation. The following poem contains my ideas, thoughts, experience, and history within the robotics industry:

The Robot Industry

The robot industry is growing rapidly,
With many different brands from FANUC, to KUKA, to ABB.
It doesn’t matter whether the application is large or small,
There is a robot ready to answer the call.
Robots are changing the landscape of companies worldwide.
We are finding new and unique ways they can be applied.
Mobile robotics and vision systems are opening up many possibilities.
They are revolutionizing our thinking on lights out facilities.
Integrate these industrial robots into your operation
And watch your business thrive with your increased automation.
Whether you’re tending a machine center or loading a case,
Bastian Robotics has a solution that will help you keep pace.
Improving productivity, product quality and worker safety is the goal. Bringing jobs back to the US is now in your control.

Poetry allows me to take my ideas and thoughts without limitations to build a creative expression. While I write, I teach myself new ways to structure my thoughts and convey them to others. In honor of National Robotics Week, hopefully this poem allowed you to look inside yourself to push your boundaries and limitations, whether you work with robots or not. Happy National Robotics Week, and by the way, happy National Poetry Month!

Author: Steven Hogg

Steven is the Applications Manager for Robotics at Bastian Solutions. He helps lead the robotics automation solutions for picking, packing, palletizing, machine tending, turnkey options and more. He has a Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia. 


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