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The Intangible Benefits of Used Equipment

January 17, 2013
Used automation equipment is seen by some as too risky an investment, and by others, as an easy way to save a project's budget while still getting all of the hardware they desire. Like all projects, there are pros and cons to used or refurbished equipment, but when the opportunity for used automation presents itself, it is worth the time to closely examine it as an option...

The History of Robotics [Infographic]

December 12, 2012
Industrial robots are incredibly advanced thanks to new technologies in controls, vision systems, and end of arm tooling. All of this has allowed them to perform increasingly difficult tasks faster and more precisely, but how do these machines compare to some of the first robots ever created? Take a look at this graphic to find out...

The Value of Training

November 07, 2012
As a recent college graduate, I have been exposed to many new and exciting aspects of the robotics and material handling industries. I will argue that in the past month alone I have gained more valuable work experience than in the last four years of college. Why do I say this? The main reason is due to strong and impactful training.

Is a High-Speed Robotic Palletizer in Your Future?

October 17, 2012
High-level conventional palletizers have dominated the high-speed palletizing industry, and for good reason, as they are a robust and proven technology. However, with recent technological advances, robotics are now becoming a much more viable alternative to conventional machines with respect to equipment speed and price...

Can You Handle It?

September 13, 2012
Every robotic system revolves around the product it handles, so having a thorough understanding of the product allows you to utilize different technologies and methods for processing it through the robotic system. The following are the 10 main areas I consider during product evaluation. These areas are analyzed during the initial design phase and considered throughout the lifecycle of the project.

Manufacturing Renaissance in the U.S.?

July 26, 2012
It wasn’t all that long ago U.S. manufacturing prowess was the envy of the world, but then numerous U.S.-based companies decided to move their manufacturing operations abroad due to world competition and cost constraints. In recent years, however, a fascinating and somewhat silent trend has developed; U.S.-based manufacturing is making an exciting and notable comeback .

Saving a Troubled Project (and Re-gaining the Customer's Confidence)

April 26, 2012
While no one enjoys being in these positions, at one time or another every company will experience one. And the question is how do you save face?

Is Leasing an Option for Automating Your Distribution Center?

March 01, 2012
Leasing larger, higher priced equipment is a very common practice for all sorts of companies, large and small. This makes sense because there are many benefits to doing so...

The Pros and Cons of Implementing a Robotic Mixed Pallet Building System

October 14, 2011
The topic of robotic, or automatic, mixed pallet building has come up quite a bit recently, so I thought I'd share some of the benefits and challenges that go along with it.

Choosing Between a Robotics Integrator or Manufacturer

June 13, 2011
I've had the opportunity to work for both integrators and for a manufacturer of industrial robotic arms. One of the questions that I've had many clients ask me over the years is whether they should buy a robotic solution directly from the manufacturer or from an integrator.

Benefits of Single Sourcing Your Manufacturing Automation Partner

March 22, 2011
With the summer project season just around the corner many industrial manufacturing companies are shoring up plans for their big projects. I recently had the pleasure to walk a manufacturing plant from front to back and back to front again in search of automated material handling opportunities. It certainly was a shocking experience because in this case, the client went naked! While this client was the expert on their systems and operations, a trained eye in material handling-- especially robotic --was a welcome investment of their time.

7 Industrial Robotics Hazards and How to Avoid Them

January 05, 2011
Many companies wonder whether robots are safe to implement in their facility. Although an industrial robot will improve the ergonomic conditions in a production area, there is a perception that the robot will create an unsafe work environment. Although industrial robots do contain some potential hazards, they are all preventable as long as workers are well educated on the robotic system and the robotic integrator has fulfilled all job requirements, including proper installation, programming, and risk assessment. Read More >>
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