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Goods to Person: What Works Best, Where and When? [Infographic]

March 23, 2022
The question for today’s modern warehouses is no longer when should we automate, but how and where do we automate for the best impact? To help sort through these cutting-edge offerings, we’ve created a quick visual guide to understanding the basics of goods to person systems, including the different types, their benefits and important factors to consider. View the full-size infographic.

PUMA’s DC Automation Thrives Amid Pandemic Retail Peak Season Shifts

November 10, 2021
Designed for agility and growth, PUMA’s new Indianapolis distribution center was immediately put to the test facing unprecedented ecommerce demand in addition to new, unexpected safety measures.

PUMA’s Automation Evolution: Retail eFulfillment with Advanced Warehouse Systems

September 29, 2021
“Quite frankly, we were gonna burst.” Sports company PUMA was not only quickly outgrowing their primary U.S. ecommerce distribution center in California, they were also facing increasing pressures in the rapidly evolving and growing North America ecommerce retail market. And, this was prior to the rapid ecommerce growth triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Looking to reach their east coast customers faster and more efficiently, a new automated warehouse was planned and opened in 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Richelieu uniformise l’exécution des commandes pour améliorer l’expérience client

September 16, 2021
Richelieu souhaite améliorer la satisfaction des 90 000 clients et plus qu’ils servent au Canada et aux États-Unis en exécutant les commandes de façon plus rapide et fiable. À titre d’importateur, de distributeur et de fabricant de matériel spécialisé de calibre mondial, Richelieu gère plus de 130 000 UGS. En plus d’une approche qui vise à uniformiser et à accélérer l’exécution des commandes, Richelieu a été en mesure de consolider le stockage externe en tirant profit de ses installations à Montréal. Elle s’est tournée vers Bastian Solutions pour obtenir des conseils et pour mettre en place la bonne combinaison de technologie d’automatisation pour augmenter la durée de vie de l’installation de Richelieu et mettre en place un système qui l’aide à maintenir de façon constante un service à la clientèle de grande qualité.

AutoStore: Designing Future-Proof Automation Technology

May 19, 2021
Scalability and flexibility are no doubt the focus of today and the future in distribution and production. Utilizing bins, bots and ports, the AutoStore goods to person technology brings a grid-based approach that allows customers to shrink their storage space exponentially while increasing their capacity for smarter, faster operations. Working together since 2013, last year Bastian Solutions expanded its portfolio of global partners with AutoStore to further support customers wherever they may be, providing them increased capacity, flexibility and accuracy.

Scallog: Creating a Resilient Solution for the Future of Warehouse Logistics

April 28, 2021
Dynamic and easily scalable, goods to person technologies have risen to the forefront of order fulfillment conversation amid rapid ecommerce growth. Answering the challenge of automation for various industry applications and operation sizes, Scallog’s order fulfillment system adds a mobile robotic solution to the mix. Announced late last year, Bastian Solutions, an independent integrator, has added Scallog’s technology to our growing portfolio of automation capabilities. We talked to Olivier Rochet, founder and president of Scallog, for a deeper insight on the technology and future of DC automation development. This French robotic automation system manufacturer, already installed in six countries, offers a goods to person technology based on robots that move shelves around the warehouse.

Adapting Manufacturing Strategies for Direct to Consumer Fulfillment

March 31, 2021
The internet, since its adoption in the 1990s, is an amazing place that consistently opens new doors and creates new opportunities. Business models continue to adapt to our new connected reality. Increasingly, consumers are working their way up the supply chain. Retailers first felt this push as customers are happy to cut brick and mortar stores out of their daily routine and make purchases directly from the warehouse through digital storefronts. This has led to the development and dominance of omnichannel distribution models, delivering a variety of goods and brands under one company. They are required to compete with online-only retailers like Amazon. This was a dramatic shift for the distribution center.

Goods to Person Systems Stretch Beyond Social Distancing Benefits

December 09, 2020
Various goods-to-person technologies have risen to the challenge of social distancing by creating naturally spaced workstations for employees and allowing companies to continue their business momentum. In some cases, ramping up to match shifts like we’ve seen in ecommerce. In Q3 2020, about $1 in every $5 was spent on online sales, according to U.S. Commerce Department retail data.

B2B Warehousing: Automation to Transform your Operations

September 30, 2020
Our second webinar of the Supply Chain Explained: LIVE series featured advice from Bastian Solutions’ Director of Consulting, Jason Tenorio, on challenges everyone in the B2B warehousing world is facing.

AutoStore anuncia la campana de micro-fulfillment (Spanish)

January 08, 2020
AutoStore está redefiniendo el servicio minorista y de atención al cliente con una nueva campaña de microprocesos y conceptos de diseño interesantes que ayudarán a los minoristas a mejorar la experiencia de la tienda del cliente.
Posted in General Blogs

Why Spare Parts Distributors Should Consider Goods-To-Person

December 18, 2019
Over the years, Bastian Solutions has partnered with several OEMs & spare parts distributors to improve their order fulfillment systems. We’ve found that goods-to-person systems are a great fit.
Posted in System Automation

En quoi consiste l'AutoStore? (French)

June 04, 2019
L’AutoStore est un système automatisé de stockage et de récupération de type marchandises vers personnes, leader du marché en termes de densité de stockage.
Results: 39 Blog Posts found.


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