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Can Outsourcing Preventative Maintenance Save You Money?

March 29, 2023
Despite the high value and need, it’s not uncommon for warehouse automation system maintenance to be trimmed from a company’s budget and priority. Outsourcing is one way to keep maintenance costs down but still protect your operation. In this post, we look at how.
Posted in General Blogs

Os cinco principais benefícios do Pick to Light explicados

November 08, 2022
Você já precisou fazer compras em um mercado que nunca frequentou? Você fica com aquela sensação de impotência de tentar descobrir o que exatamente é uma “Fruta do Conde” e muito menos tentar localizá-la na seção de produtos (graças a Deus “fruta” está no nome). Claro, talvez você tenha algumas pistas para ajudá-lo a chegar lá (placas de corredor, intuição geral), mas sabe que terá uma frustrante caça ao tesouro na próxima hora para completar sua lista.

How to Navigate Significant Shifts When Upgrading Warehouse Software

May 18, 2022
Supply chains and warehouse operations are under a spotlight with many moving towards adding small- and large-scale automation solutions with software upgrades to match. Identifying and navigating those changes is not easy but the right warehouse software platform and integrator can help make the shift seamless.

Is Pick to Light Right for You? Streamline Picking Processes with Easy, Visual Cues

April 27, 2022
Are you looking for a way to eliminate waste within your picking process? Are you struggling to achieve accuracy metrics? Does your operation suffer from constant turnover or accommodate seasonality? If any of these scenarios hit a little too close to home, a pick to light solution may be a good choice to optimize your operation! In this article, I will go over the functionality, advantages and operations best suited for this technology.

Automation is Becoming the New Normal in India Warehousing

March 29, 2022
The warehousing industry has grown in the last few years by becoming more intentionally planned, multifaceted and accessible. It’s a push towards automation. This will progress further in the upcoming years, especially as companies look to meet customer’s fast fulfilment expectations and challenges like labour and real estate availability continue. The last few decades have shed a light on how products get to consumers, bringing increased attention to warehousing and distribution which has evolved the focus bringing substantial study and investment.

Conveyor Systems: The Easiest Automation for Speedy Workflows

February 22, 2022
For decades, conveyor systems have been crucial for warehousing and logistics operations. Conveyor systems are used in all fundamental warehouse processes to transport raw materials out of storage to the production line, move products into other storage devices, and move final product into packaging lines, or transport packaged products to shipping. It is the most basic automation for anyone in the facility to transfer materials between long distances on varying elevations.

Solving India's Complex Supply Chain Integration Challenges

January 11, 2022
This decade has seen the most dramatic shifts in technologies, especially in the adoption of digital transformation. Every department in the organization has developed its unique way of digitization to connect with its buyers. With this, the nature of supply chain challenges faces a new level; the distribution centres across India have a boost in SKUs, which requires handling throughputs with minimal error. On the other hand, customers are much aware of the processes and seek real-time tracking, which organizations often fail to understand. Let’s take a look at the challenges and potential solutions.

Top 5 Benefits of Pick to Light Explained

January 05, 2022
Pick to light has become a staple of warehouse distribution and order picking. Here are the top 5 benefits. What if there was an easier, automated way to locate these items? Say, when you want to find an item a beacon of light illuminates to direct you to the appropriate aisle, and then another beacon of light illuminates to get you to the correct shelf, and eventually the exact location on the shelf.

Getting Started with Custom Warehouse Automation Solutions Development

November 18, 2021
Unique challenges invite opportunities for custom automation solutions – custom design and engineering. So, how does the process work? We meet you at your current state and lead you through our development process based on your custom needs.

Adaptaciones y reconfiguración: lo que debe saber antes de modernizar su sistema de automatización

October 14, 2021
Si ha formado parte de una empresa que haya acometido planes de adaptación o transición, conocerá los retos que se afrontan al desarrollar un proyecto con las operaciones en marcha. En Bastian Solutions vemos cada año muchos proyectos con operaciones en marcha, como los de mejora o modernización de las operaciones existentes. Esos proyectos son mucho más complicados que los que se ejecutan en instalaciones flamantes o existentes que aún no se encuentran operativas. Cuando se emprenden proyectos de adaptación en operaciones existentes, los directivos de la empresa deben esforzarse para mantener las operaciones cotidianas en marcha con poca o ninguna interrupción para no debilitar el servicio al cliente. Las reconfiguraciones, cuando un nuevo sistema se instala online en una operación directa, también debe manejarse con cuidado para reducir los tiempos de inactividad y las interrupciones en general.

3 Common Processes You Can Automate with AGVs

July 07, 2021
“Automate it.” Every industrial engineer is familiar with this phrase, whether it comes from executives or industry demand. Today’s businesses are always looking to make their processes more efficient and flexible, and automation can be one of the best tools to achieve these goals in light of business growth and market changes. Reaping the most benefit from a modernized system isn’t easy and requires careful planning. Achieving operational goals of increased productivity and decreased waste within your budget, are a significant challenge. No two automated material handling solutions are ever the same. Each company and industry sector may require different solutions based on their specific objectives, parameters and constraints.

4 Ways Warehouse Industrial Robots Can Maximize Your ROI

June 30, 2021
Analyzing the tasks, rates and capabilities can help not only maximize the robotic system but also help reduce the need for ancillary equipment and additional investments, creating a more streamline operation.
Results: 36 Blog Posts found.


Latest Case Study




Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

