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6 Reasons Why You Need a Site Manager on your Project

September 24, 2019
All projects, large and small, have many moving parts that need to come together in time to meet your deadline. For projects to run smoothly, it's important to have one person who knows your system inside and out, making sure it all goes smoothly - a site manager.
Posted in Project Management

Think Globally, Shop Locally: Choosing Your Material Handling System Integrator

July 24, 2018
Whether you’re in Atlanta or Madrid, there are benefits to selecting a material handling system integrator with a local presence.

5 Key Steps to Your Next Material Handling System Modification

June 20, 2018
In today's fast-paced, demand-driven world, material handling system modifications are almost guaranteed and required to keep up with competition. To ensure a smooth project and successful go-live, whether a brand new system or modification, follow these five steps.

How to Increase Meeting Effectiveness

May 09, 2017
Communication is key in any business! We're often managing meetings with people in various locations and time zones, both internal and external resources. Each employee's communication manner directly impacts the image of both the employee and the company.

Project Management: A Tool for a Successful Automation Implementation

February 09, 2017
Project management is a critical piece to any successful automation system implementation. From the development stage to go live, the project manager must ensure all is going as planned and as the customer needs it. Here is an overview of what a good project manager should cover.

5 Tips on Project Requirements Definition

August 04, 2016
It would be nice if you could download the ideas for your next project to someone else, but today you have to define project requirements. That term is used often and everyone has a different idea of what constitutes a “requirement”.

3 Steps to a Great Turnkey Material Handling System

August 20, 2015
A turn-key material handling solution is the complete design, build, and installation of material handling equipment. This type of solution allows you to work with one company to ensure your project exceeds expectations from start to finish. Here's what you should expect during the three phases of your turnkey project...

Making Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification a Standard

January 09, 2015
One of the most important considerations when selecting an integrator to supply a material handling system should be the quality and engagement of the integrator’s project management. This is why in 2015, all robotics project managers will need to be PMP certified...
Posted in Project Management

Project Management: Who is to Blame?

November 12, 2014
I came across an article about the GT Advanced Technologies bankruptcy and thought, who is actually at fault? GTAT’s position is that Apple put them out of business with burdensome demands whereas Apple’s position with GTAT remains unclear. Last year, Apple offered $578 million to assist them with setting up their facility. As a project manager, I suggest that both parties are to blame.

4 Defining Qualities of a Great Project Manager

March 11, 2014
The role of the project manager is of critical importance when running a large project. Their performance impacts the success of a project more than any other team member involved. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the individual appointed to the role possesses the necessary skills and abilities to run a project successfully. A talented project manager will possess the following defining qualities.
Posted in Project Management

How a Project Go-Live Compares to Having a New Baby

January 23, 2014
My wife and I were recently blessed with a newborn baby, and the during labor and week after, I couldn’t help but think how the process and activities of being a parent are very comparative to being a project manager...

7 Reasons for Project Failure and How to Avoid Them

August 06, 2013
Project management is filled with daily challenges, from the planned to unplanned, and often it is the failures of a project that teach us the most. Any project manager worth their salt will acknowledge that the failures and misses during their careers taught them valuable lessons while making them better at their job.
Results: 29 Blog Posts found.


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