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Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) for Enhanced Efficiency & Seamless Automation

July 19, 2023
AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) have emerged as a distribution or manufacturing operation game-changer. For those seeking solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce costs and streamline operations, AMRs offer a cost-effective solution. These versatile robots can move and operate independently, revolutionizing various industries and opening new possibilities for automation. AMRs can meet various application process needs, allowing them to easily fit into existing company operations.

Maintaining SOX Compliance with Intralogistics Software

May 24, 2023
If your company is publicly traded, there's a good chance you’ve heard the term “SOX” before. The SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) yearly financial reporting audit touches every function of a public corporation – from human resources to supply chain management. SOX compliance is a massive operation both in terms of cost and labor force. The right software solution, however, can not only help you achieve the most out of your warehouse system design but can also help support you through SOX compliance.

Closing the Automation Gap with Intralogistics Software

May 17, 2023
Robotic order picking and sorting are becoming key technologies in warehouse automation and often provide huge advantages to distribution centers over more conventional order fulfillment methods. However, without a versatile WCS (warehouse control system) or WES (warehouse execution system), it can be difficult to integrate such technologies into a complex operation.

Material Handling Solutions Fit for New England’s Pharma and High Tech Manufacturing

February 22, 2023
The New England area is well known as a center for academics, medicine, and high-tech manufacturing. The concentration of notable academic institutions is a big factor in the concentration of companies providing pharmaceutical and high-tech manufacturing. Each of New England’s leading industries requires unique considerations. For this post, let’s take a look at the pharmaceutical industry, specifically. Examples of pharmaceutical and healthcare companies located in New England include the Thermo Fischer headquarters, 3 R&D sites for Pfizer, multiple facilities for Johnson & Johnson, and a multitude of hospitals such as Massachusetts General Hospital.

'Looking Beyond Technology' at RILA LINK 2023

February 08, 2023
Bastian Solutions will be present at RILA LINK in Orlando, FL this month. Joining the retail order fulfillment and automation conversation with thousands of supply chain executives to connect, learn and explore leading best practices. With over 2,000 retail supply chain leaders in one place, LINK is the perfect event for Bastian to connect with carriers, vendors and other key partners.
Posted in General Blogs

Industry Leaders, Innovators and Investors at Manifest 2023

January 18, 2023
Bastian Solutions is excited to join supply chain and logistics professionals for the second annual Manifest trade show, the premiere gathering of industry leaders, innovators and investors for a showcase of innovation and transformation across the logistics and supply chain tech industry. Manifest brings unprecedented access to the people and technologies changing the way the world moves.
Posted in General Blogs

Solve the Complexities of Payload Storage and Retrieval

January 04, 2023
Managing a warehouse operation is not an easy job. Land costs and warehouse leasing charges are increasing exponentially. At the same time, there is also limited availability of trained operators which adds to expenditures, either in training cost, recruitment or addition of new technology that fulfils the task. However, for a business to successfully meet consumer needs, it is essential to optimize the centre for picking, storing and shipping. These opportunities for efficiency cannot be overlooked.
Posted in General Blogs

Thrive During Peak Season: 3 Order Fulfillment Considerations

December 07, 2022
Peak season is here. While Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the biggest sales days of the year, have come and gone, order fulfillment operations are busy ensuring that orders are filled accurately, packaged carefully and shipped on time. For retailers, this is both a time of getting through the peak and also an opportunity to shine ahead of competitors. Handling seasonal peaks requires automation that simplifies the surge in distribution.

Automation: A Backbone to Streamline your Omnichannel Processes

November 23, 2022
In this fast-paced industry where customers are looking for the fastest delivery and using multiple channels to complete their purchases, brands need to be nonstop active. Today, almost all consumers check reviews and compare prices both online and offline before making a purchase.

Créer une expérience client unique : Decathlon mise sur la micro-exécution

November 09, 2022
Du concept à la réalité de la micro-exécution, Decathlon et Bastian Solutions ont collaboré pour créer un système de micro-exécution en magasin en contact avec les clients. « L'objectif de Decathlon était de créer un nouveau parcours client unique et amélioré en supprimant idéalement les tâches sans valeur ajoutée pour le personnel », a déclaré Diba Aleagha, responsable des opérations et du commerce électronique pour Decathlon Canada.
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3 Key Mistakes to Avoid in Micro-fulfillment Technology Selection

September 14, 2022
Bringing products as close and as fast as possible to customers triggered a new way of looking at fulfillment centers. In addition to large regional warehouses, microfulfillment centers (MFCs) are popular topics in retail, ecommerce and food industries. Before implementing any solution, it’s key to carefully review applications and properly prepare for current and future scenarios. This step can help you avoid key mistakes and select the right technology. The last thing you want to do is to install a technology that doesn’t do the job the way you expected or needed.

Reimagining Order Fulfillment with Robotic Piece Picking Solutions [Infographic]

July 13, 2022
Transform warehouse operations to achieve smarter, more accurate, 24/7 order fulfillment with piece picking robotic solutions carefully integrated to support existing workflows and flexible enough to easily grow for future business volume, products, seasonality and new functions. Download this Infographic to learn more.
Results: 39 Blog Posts found.


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