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3 Essential Traits of Good Project Managers

February 20, 2013
All project managers are NOT created equal. Some are more schedule-focused, while others are more budget-driven. Some spend more time on procurement management, and yet others concentrate on ensuring scope creep doesn’t occur. Regardless of what a project manager emphasizes, I’ve found all good project managers have these 3 essential traits

Global Supply Chains Going Local

September 21, 2012
Most of us are familiar with the phrase: “think globally, act locally.” Though it might be popularly thought of in terms of food sourcing, the manufacturing industry is also adopting a local mindset. A recent survey by EEF, the manufacturers' organization, found that 40% of U.K. companies are bringing production back in-house, while 25% have increased their use of local suppliers...

3 Technologies Driving Efficiency Gains in the Medical Service Industry (and Shortening Hospital Visits)

August 22, 2012
While waiting for all the materials to come together from various locations to assemble the cast for my son's leg, I began analyzing the logistics management required to ensure the proper materials are available when needed throughout the hospital..

Why Cycle Counting Beats Physical Inventories

August 15, 2012
Accurately tracking inventory can be a costly affair for many distribution centers since it interrupts your daily operations and consumes man hours better spent on revenue-generating activities. If your DC has struggled with completing a physical inventory, cycle counting could be the solution you need... Read More >>

Automatic Print and Apply: Blessing or Pain?

July 11, 2012
Are there machines out there that can automatically print a shipping label for a container and apply it without anyone touching it? Why yes, there are. As much as that might seem like a miracle machine, they can come with their fair share of headaches, but let’s start with the positives...

Freight Solutions Management

June 29, 2012
As a material handling solutions provider, we take pride in integrating the best mix of technology and people to maximize our customer’s bottom line. We believe that there is a “best” solution out there for every customer. This philosophy is typically applied throughout our business processes; how can we do things cheaper, faster, better, and provide more value to our customers. One of the areas we recently focused on in this regard is freight management . Here are 6 key areas on which we have focused our attention and have seen real benefits...
Posted in The Supply Chain

Do You Know the Difference Between SaaS and Cloud Computing?

June 27, 2012
When talking about software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing, people tend to use the two terms interchangeably. Although the two technologies are related, they are not the same. So what is the distinction? Simply put, SaaS is a type of cloud computing . Let’s roll up our sleeves and dig into the specifics so you can better select services and products that will benefit your organization... Continue Reading >>

Automation: Not Always About the Dollars, But Always About the Sense!

June 21, 2012
When considering why some manufacturing and distribution companies have implemented automated material handling systems , you often hear of financial statements including a solid Return of Investment (ROI), prompt Payback Period, or Strong Internal Rate of Return (IRR) . While it cannot be debated that the financial justification for an automation project is very important, financial evaluation alone should not be the only criteria when considering whether to automate . Here are 10 additional benefits to justify automation...

Synergy of Information and Material Handling Automation is Key in Supply Chain Management

May 08, 2012
Business is ever changing and competition is always increasing, but the companies that can properly harness the power of automation in their supply chains will thrive into the future...

The Invisible Men of Material Handling

March 27, 2012
Upon the approach of my tenth anniversary with Bastian Solutions, I began asking myself what makes this company successful. After all, there must be some reason or reasons why I have found such satisfaction here that I have contributed a decade's worth of skill, talent, and effort toward the company's success. In answering this question, recent project experiences led me to an answer that lies partially outside of the company...

5 Steps to Eliminate the “Madness” of Your Next Project

March 12, 2012
March Madness is finally here, and there's a reason it's called "madness." The unexpected often happens - which is very exciting in sports, but not so much with a mission critical project. To reduce the "madness" that can often overwhelm and impede project success, follow this simple outline. As a result, you will save time, effort and money over the lifespan of the project.

Manufacturing and Logistics Facts about Valentine's Day [Infographic]

February 14, 2012
Behind all those flower bouquets, candy hearts, and jewelry boxes, there's a manufacturer and distributor who got them to you! So this year, I thought it would be fun to take a look at the numbers and logistics behind Valentine's Day because without all the behind-the-scenes work, well, the day just wouldn't be the same...
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