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How Supply Chain Software Keeps iHerb's New DC Running Smoothly

January 28, 2014
With a distribution center full of automation plus 35,000 SKUs to manage, iHerb’s Hebron facility relies on Exacta 6.0, a warehouse control system (WCS) and suite of supply chain software to ensure the entire system runs seamlessly and orders get to customers in the most efficient manner possible.

How a Project Go-Live Compares to Having a New Baby

January 23, 2014
My wife and I were recently blessed with a newborn baby, and the during labor and week after, I couldn’t help but think how the process and activities of being a parent are very comparative to being a project manager...

4 Advanced Picking Technologies Improving E-Fulfillment

December 04, 2013
Following a hugely successful Cyber Monday, it’s easy to see why an efficient and accurate order fulfillment process is critical to today’s retailers. Customers are expecting orders to arrive faster, and one way of doing that is injecting a little automation into an often manual operation.

The Supply Chain as a Hot Career Choice

November 27, 2013
With all the buzz about supply chains recently, it’s no surprise that career opportunities in the supply chain world are also on the rise. In fact, logistician / supply chain manager was identified as one of the top growth jobs for 2013, but more than 250,000 supply-chain jobs will go unfilled each year through 2018 for lack of qualified talent...

Logistics Gets a Taste of the Spotlight

September 19, 2013
Logistics professionals are the unsung hero of the retail industry, ensuring consumers get the products they need when they need them. With all this hard work, it's nice to see the industry experience an increase in news coverage in recent months. Here are some of the top stories...

7 Reasons for Project Failure and How to Avoid Them

August 06, 2013
Project management is filled with daily challenges, from the planned to unplanned, and often it is the failures of a project that teach us the most. Any project manager worth their salt will acknowledge that the failures and misses during their careers taught them valuable lessons while making them better at their job.

Major Sporting Events Require Better Logistics

July 31, 2013
Major sporting events such as the World Cup and Olympics are a critical time for players and teams, but what about the corporations supplying apparel, equipment, food and beer, televisions, and the list goes on and on. For those companies, prepping and improving logistics operations is key to beating the competition during those big events.

The Top 5 Reasons to Hire a System Integration Team

July 11, 2013
A growing trend in the material handling automation industry is the use of system integration companies as opposed to traditional equipment-focused manufacturers for materials handling needs. Here are 5 reasons system integrators are a great option for your next material handling project... Continue Reading >>

4 Emerging Technologies That Will Change How We Do Business

June 17, 2013
It is easy to look back and say how different technology was fifteen years ago. It’s also not a stretch to say that technological innovations like laptops, broadband Internet, and USB drives have made the workplace more efficient. But what comes next? Below are 4 emerging technologies that should, in the next 15 years, make as much of an impact as the laptop computer had on the last.

Brick and Mortar in E-Commerce 2.0

May 15, 2013
With the recent release of the Samsung Galaxy S4, I finally reached the tipping point and tossed my antiquated Blackberry to the wayside, but when I was researching which smartphone to select, I looked online only to be overwhelmed by the number of options. This led me to visit a small kiosk in the mall before finally making my purchase online. In this instance, and in many others as the trend continues to grow, the storefront served to augment my online buying decision...

From the Vine to My Table...

April 17, 2013
In college, I was given the opportunity to attend a wine tasting session to learn the basics and proper food pairings. Since then, I was fortunate enough to marry an individual whose hobby is cooking and who over the years has enjoyed seeking out the right (reasonably priced) wine to go with whatever dish she might have prepared. However, it is after the wine is made and bottled that my private interests have intersected with my professional endeavors; somehow this bottle has to get from the winery to my table...

Size Does Matter...When It Comes to SKUs

February 28, 2013
I just had a discussion with a colleague in our consulting group about a client who wanted him to design a picking area. The problem was the client didn’t have any product size information. To this client, the size of a case was “case size,” and an individual item was smaller than “case size.” Regrettably, many distribution operations have little information about the size of the product they are distributing, but know size information has many advantages...
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