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Next Generation Goods-to-Person System Extends Beyond the Storage Buffer

March 28, 2016
Goods to person automation is an ever growing field that represents a revolution in the material handling industry – eliminating the costly and time-intensive process of having operators travel throughout the warehouse to pick. There are many options out there, but all of these technologies are representing only half of the goods-to-person concept.

Adapting Drones for Modern Material Handling

December 04, 2015
The consumer U.A.V. industry is one of today’s fastest growing markets. Modern technology is enabling one of the greatest tech adaptions to society. With every new technology, there is a certain level of acceptance. As that acceptance grows, oftentimes the new tech presents unanticipated applications, and to me, that is the most exciting part.

5 Ways to Supercharge Your Barcode Scanning System with Camera Vision

November 30, 2015
Does your current single line barcode scanner underperform, resulting in excessive no-reads or read conflicts? Today’s barcode reading systems need to reach read rates of 99.9% to 100%. If your system is not reaching this percentage, it’s time to re-evaluate your technology.

Get the MOST from Your Workforce

November 19, 2015
Do you or any of your clients have processes where employees’ expected rates are unknown, based on averages, or quite frankly conjectured from guessing? Rates may be unknown or need re-evaluation because of new or different layouts, or process changes. If any of these situations are affecting your employee production rates, then you should consider MOST, Maynard Operation Sequence Technique.

The 5 Inefficiencies STEALing from Your Distribution Center

March 05, 2015
There are 5 common inefficiencies and resource wasters STEALing from distribution operations everywhere, but today’s goods-to-person technologies can turn those losses into profit in as little as 2 years. Let’s look at these five wastes and how goods-to-person systems are overcoming them.

4 Signs a Small- to Mid-Sized Company Needs Order Fulfillment Automation

August 25, 2014
You don’t need a giant distribution center rivaling Amazon or Wal-Mart to benefit from automation. These days, small and medium retailers are competing with the big boys by investing in scalable technologies. Here are 4 signs you're ready for automation.

4 Advanced Picking Technologies Improving E-Fulfillment

December 04, 2013
Following a hugely successful Cyber Monday, it’s easy to see why an efficient and accurate order fulfillment process is critical to today’s retailers. Customers are expecting orders to arrive faster, and one way of doing that is injecting a little automation into an often manual operation.

Logistics Gets a Taste of the Spotlight

September 19, 2013
Logistics professionals are the unsung hero of the retail industry, ensuring consumers get the products they need when they need them. With all this hard work, it's nice to see the industry experience an increase in news coverage in recent months. Here are some of the top stories...

Automated Case Picking Systems: Finding the Right Fit for Your Company

September 11, 2013
As an increasing number of companies move toward the use of automated case picking systems, it is important that they first determine the best one for their business.

Holes in the Floor: Importance of Repairing Damaged Concrete

July 24, 2013
Cracks and holes in your facility's floors can be a costly issue if not maintained on a regular basis. Thankfully, there are new industrial coatings and polymers that can easily and cost-effectively fix these problems without leading to operational downtime.

The Top 5 Reasons to Hire a System Integration Team

July 11, 2013
A growing trend in the material handling automation industry is the use of system integration companies as opposed to traditional equipment-focused manufacturers for materials handling needs. Here are 5 reasons system integrators are a great option for your next material handling project... Continue Reading >>

4 Emerging Technologies That Will Change How We Do Business

June 17, 2013
It is easy to look back and say how different technology was fifteen years ago. It’s also not a stretch to say that technological innovations like laptops, broadband Internet, and USB drives have made the workplace more efficient. But what comes next? Below are 4 emerging technologies that should, in the next 15 years, make as much of an impact as the laptop computer had on the last.
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

