The Material Handling Blog

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Automation is Here to Stay (and Improve Your Life)

November 21, 2019
I often get asked about automation’s effects on employment. Here are some lessons from history that show how the implementation of automation improved the quality of our lives by changing the kinds of jobs available.

Drones in Supply Chain

July 09, 2019
Drones are becoming increasingly popular in multiple industries, but will they ever become an essential tool for warehouse management and logistics?

Major Trends That Will Drive Distribution Throughout the 2020s

June 13, 2019
Millennials, and their desire for choice and convenience, will drive requirements and expectations on fulfillment and logistics creating a new “on-demand ecommerce” model throughout the 2020s.

En quoi consiste l'AutoStore? (French)

June 04, 2019
L’AutoStore est un système automatisé de stockage et de récupération de type marchandises vers personnes, leader du marché en termes de densité de stockage.

The Rise of the Urban DC

April 23, 2019
More and more people, especially young adults, are moving into cities. To reach this increasingly important market segment, retailers need to find a profitable and efficient way to do urban fulfillment.

The Blockchain Supply Chain: Transparent and Traceable

January 17, 2019
Modern supply chains are extremely complex, making it difficult to track provenance, production methods, and more. Blockchain technology can change that.

Lessons From the Amazon Effect

December 19, 2018
How the retail and material handling industries have evolved to service increasing e

Comparing Internet of Things (IoT)-Based Asset Tracking Technologies: RFID vs. BLE

May 04, 2018
Searching for the right asset tracking solution can be daunting. Within the materials handling and supply chain industry, Radio-Frequency Identifier (RFID) is commonly championed as the defacto successor to previous approaches like barcode scanning, but there are other methods that have competitive advantages and technological trade-offs. Read: Comparing IoT-Based Asset Tracking Technologies

How Can Internet of Things (IoT) Tracking Help Recover Assets?

March 14, 2018
From theft to damaged goods, there is a disconnect in the current supply chain. The Internet of Things is quickly changing how we track, manage, and recover assets. What can you do today to ensure your products are shipped on time and uninterrupted?

Collaborative Robots Part 2: Benefits and Expanding Capabilities

November 16, 2017
Industrial robots play a large part in the automation of industrial environments, but collaborative robots are expanding the realm of possibility. In part two of our series, we’re discussing the benefits of collaborative robots, and why that makes them a growing piece of today's modern manufacturing and distribution puzzle.

Collaborative Robots Part 1: Pros, Cons, and Applications

November 14, 2017
Once you know the strengths and weaknesses of cobots, where do they make the most sense?  Typically, they're best in applications where they move light products relatively slowly.

Using Virtual Reality for Material Handling System Design

November 07, 2017
Virtual reality is the next disruptive technology making its way into many different industries and applications, including material handling systems design. Learn more about BastianVR and how our team is using it to help customers visualize their system investments.
Results: 107 Blog Posts found.


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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

