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Interview Recap: Getting Started with Mobile Robotics

December 21, 2022
Recently, Bastian’s Autonomous Vehicles General Manager, Michael Marcum, spoke with other industry experts about insights on getting started with mobile robotics.

Creating a Unique Customer Experience: Decathlon Leverages Micro-Fulfillment

November 09, 2022
From concept to micro-fulfillment reality, Decathlon and Bastian Solutions worked together to create an in-store, customer-facing micro-fulfillment system.

Webcast Recap: Robotics Accelerates Retail Digitization

October 05, 2022
In a recent webcast, Matt Kohler, Bastian Solutions’ Applications Director, and other industry leaders discussed how both online and traditional retailers can take advantage of automation as peak season approaches. A key topic discussed during the webcast was the importance of collecting and analyzing data to provide timely and actionable insights for customers.

New Goods-to-Robot Systems Take E-Fulfillment to the Next Level

September 21, 2022
Over two decades ago, the internet made its way into households, retail, and manufacturing environments, providing a foundation for commerce to occur in a more rapid and convenient fashion. Since then, ecommerce has undoubtedly become the platform of choice for procuring everything from household products to industrial equipment. While present strategies such as warehouse execution systems, sortation, rainbow palletizing, and GTP (goods to person) systems have certainly helped meet these aggressive order fulfillment pursuits, a new robotic solution is proliferating the material handling industry that can further improve operations and customer satisfaction.

3 Key Mistakes to Avoid in Micro-fulfillment Technology Selection

September 14, 2022
Bringing products as close and as fast as possible to customers triggered a new way of looking at fulfillment centers. In addition to large regional warehouses, microfulfillment centers (MFCs) are popular topics in retail, ecommerce and food industries. Before implementing any solution, it’s key to carefully review applications and properly prepare for current and future scenarios. This step can help you avoid key mistakes and select the right technology. The last thing you want to do is to install a technology that doesn’t do the job the way you expected or needed.

BlueBotics: Bringing Interoperability to AGVs and AMRs Today

August 24, 2022
Easier than ever to integrate into operations, AGVs (automated guided vehicles) and AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) are transforming the way manufacturing and distribution centers operate. This cost-effective solution increases efficiency, improves working conditions and easily scales to match business growth. Technologies like BlueBotics ANT opens possibilities through their advanced fleet management capabilities and interoperability. This means customers can carefully build-out the vehicle tech stack they need for their business. BlueBotics ANT is part of the Bastian Solutions growing portfolio of automation capabilities.

¿Qué es el Microfulfillment?

August 11, 2022
Sin duda alguna, el “microfulfillment” es un concepto que se está volviendo tendencia dentro de los esquemas de cadena de suministro. La habilidad de llevar productos a las manos de los consumidores más rápido que cualquier competidor es el objetivo último, así que, no sólo es una tendencia actual, si no que ha evolucionado en una estrategia de descentralización a través de la cual los productores buscan mejorar la experiencia de los consumidores. Entonces, ¿cómo se define?

Autonomous Vehicles: Bringing Flexibility to Indian Warehouse Operations

August 09, 2022
Autonomous vehicles such as AGVs (automated guided vehicles) and AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) are self-guided load carriers that can autonomously travel to execute tasks assigned to them and can be the best fit for distribution centres, warehouses or manufacturing facilities. These vehicles can work independently without an onboard operator due to the latest innovation in sensors and control devices that help drive the navigation.

3 Parcel Shipment Direct-to-Consumer Opportunity Areas

August 03, 2022
It’s no secret that, since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, foot traffic in brick-and-mortar stores has seen a dramatic decrease. Recent reports show a slight increase and recovery but it is becoming increasingly clear that online shopping is the way of the future. How are businesses responding to this trend and what does this mean for parcel shipments?

Reimagining Order Fulfillment with Robotic Piece Picking Solutions [Infographic]

July 13, 2022
Transform warehouse operations to achieve smarter, more accurate, 24/7 order fulfillment with piece picking robotic solutions carefully integrated to support existing workflows and flexible enough to easily grow for future business volume, products, seasonality and new functions. Download this Infographic to learn more.

3 Steps to Choosing Material Handling Technologies that Last

July 06, 2022
Technology advancements are being made all the time, whether it’s new gadgets or software. In fact, it seems as though any time you look at the latest tech news a newer version of a product you've just purchased has come out. The same challenge exists with material handling and supply chain automation. Whether it's upgrading a conveyor system, adding a goods to person or AS/RS (automated storage and retrieval system), or state-of-the-art robotic automation, there are several factors that one should consider when looking into a new technology.

Small Scale Robotic Automation Drives a Big Impact for Gerrie Electric’s Distribution

June 15, 2022
“Our existing 26,000 square foot facility was just not enough.” Gerrie Electric turned to small scale automation to unlock warehouse footprint and productivity opportunities quickly and reliably. The result – error-free picking, a boost in throughput, a trajectory to achieve and beat a targeted 3-year ROI and room to accommodate their immediate growth for additional robots and ports to handle the increased demand. As the largest independent, electrical lighting and automation distributor in Ontario, Canada, Gerrie Electric serves customers ranging from car and steel OEMs, pharmaceuticals and individual contractors performing on-site electrical installations.
Results: 107 Blog Posts found.


Latest Case Study




Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

