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Designing an Optimal Pallet Monorail System

December 01, 2021
When it comes to pallet transport, pallet monorail systems offer a solution that can be significantly less expensive than an equivalent roller conveyor system. Accommodating various applications and adjustable for performance levels, once you’ve determined that a pallet monorail system is the right transportation solution for your application, the next step is putting together an initial concept design.

When is it Time to Introduce Automated Vehicles to Your Distribution Center?

November 01, 2021
How do you determine when it’s time to integrate an automated vehicle solution in your DC (distribution centers)? Discover how these automated systems can help you navigate your warehouse confidently and take your operation to new heights.

Manufacturing Automation: 3 Key Technologies for Improved Safety and ROI

October 06, 2021
Compact and scalable automation options are trending across consumer-facing markets like grocery and retail but when it comes to manufacturing, leading advanced technologies are also proving to be foundational for future growth.

Is a Pallet Monorail System the Right Transport Solution?

September 08, 2021
Goods to person and goods to robot solutions are trending topics when it comes to distribution fulfillment but what about heavier and larger pallet transport? Pallet monorail systems are one of the fastest and most efficient ways to transport pallet loads throughout a facility. This technology goes by many different names including “Electrified Floor Track System (EFTS)”, “Electrified Monorail System (EMS)”, or sometimes just “Monorail.” In the most general sense, a monorail system is comprised of two key elements: - Track - provides guidance and power - Trolleys - physically move the pallets along the track system; self-propelled The scalability makes them a great investment, less than a roller conveyor system, and an option worth considering. Below we take a look at standard ways this solution can optimize your operations.

Designing a Sortation Solution: 3 Keys to Consider

September 01, 2021
Conveyor and sortation systems are engineered solutions. Like most engineering problems, the solution is typically only as good as its inputs. Accurate data upfront ensures the solution is tailored to your individual business requirements and product specifications.

Cold Food Storage: Leveraging 5 Key Automation Technologies

August 25, 2021
Real estate is a hot item right now. Coupled with changing consumer grocery and ecommerce buying habits and frozen goods growth, cold storage is in demand. Whether a metropolitan location, to satisfy microfulfillment and hyperlocal needs, or as a regional distribution center, commercial real estate availability has dropped according to Real Capital Analytics. Cold storage industry growth, however, is projected at 4.5% by 2023. This means storage providers are faced with the challenge of optimizing facilities while handling increased inventory volumes and speed. How can cold chain supply professionals effectively prepare for this expected growth? By eliminating inefficiencies and leveraging the right material handling automation.

3 Common Processes You Can Automate with AGVs

July 07, 2021
“Automate it.” Every industrial engineer is familiar with this phrase, whether it comes from executives or industry demand. Today’s businesses are always looking to make their processes more efficient and flexible, and automation can be one of the best tools to achieve these goals in light of business growth and market changes. Reaping the most benefit from a modernized system isn’t easy and requires careful planning. Achieving operational goals of increased productivity and decreased waste within your budget, are a significant challenge. No two automated material handling solutions are ever the same. Each company and industry sector may require different solutions based on their specific objectives, parameters and constraints.

Accurately Visualize Robotic Systems with Computer Simulations

June 09, 2021
As industrial robotic technology has improved over the years, so has related simulation software. So much so, that a majority of the upfront programming for a robotic system is typically now completed in simulation software first before being implemented in a physical robot. The sophisticated software programs used for robotic simulations replicate real world robotic conditions within a 3D virtual environment. These tools allow for detailed customization providing a reliably clear view of how a robot will operate before its built and integrated. This gives customers peace of mind of how their investment will support their operations.

4 Types of DC Automation Maintenance for Less Operation Downtime

June 02, 2021
Maintenance in the material handling industry can be put into four distinct categories: Reactive, Preventive, Predictive or Reliability Centered Maintenance practices. No matter if you have just a small conveyor system or a multimillion dollar fully automated distribution center you will have to perform maintenance activities to keep the equipment running. For each method, there are pros and cons.

Even Turnkey Automation Solutions Require Effective Training

April 21, 2021
You’re planning on implementing a new turnkey system for your business. Just like the name implies, implementation should be as easy as turning a key, right? Not quite.

Pandemic Accelerated Growth: 5 Ways AGVs and AMRs are an Asset to Your Operations

November 12, 2020
Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are transforming the way manufacturing and distribution centers operate. They are easier than ever to integrate into your operations and are currently seeing a significant boost in adoption.
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

