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A Conveyor is Only as Good as the Belt That’s on It

December 12, 2013
Choosing the right conveyor belt for your product is one of the most important, and often over-looked, details in the selection of a conveyor. The type of material the belt is made of is vital to the success of the application, and having the wrong belt can significantly affect throughput, downtime and safety.

Preventing Workplace Injuries and the Cost of Ignoring Ergonomics

October 31, 2013
There are more than 1,000,000 non-fatal workplace injuries a year, a third of which are related to musculoskeletal disorders, injuries related to a person's work or working environment. To help prevent injuries and avoid the costs associated with those injuries, here are 4 tips for creating a more ergonomic work environment...

7 Reasons to Choose DC Power for Your Next Accumulation Conveyor

August 22, 2013
The majority of case conveyor systems include at least some amount of accumulation conveyor, and while there are many types of accumulation conveyor, DC powered accumulation conveyor is becoming more and more popular for several reasons...

6 Tips for Better Conveyor System Maintenance

August 14, 2013
In the midst of a challenging economy and shrinking capital budgets, many companies are faced with the daunting challenge of keeping aging conveyor systems up and running well past when they'd ordinarily be heading to the scrap yard. If this describes your predicament, here are a few maintenance tips to keep that conveyor system going...

Project Planning: How Much Does Conveyor Cost?

August 08, 2013
If your are looking to increase efficiency in your warehouse or distribution center, you’ve probably considered installing conveyor or updating your current conveyor system. If so, the pricing you receive will vary based on your needs and the scope of the project; however, here are some general conveyor pricing guidelines to help you determine a project budget.

7 Reasons for Project Failure and How to Avoid Them

August 06, 2013
Project management is filled with daily challenges, from the planned to unplanned, and often it is the failures of a project that teach us the most. Any project manager worth their salt will acknowledge that the failures and misses during their careers taught them valuable lessons while making them better at their job.

Holes in the Floor: Importance of Repairing Damaged Concrete

July 24, 2013
Cracks and holes in your facility's floors can be a costly issue if not maintained on a regular basis. Thankfully, there are new industrial coatings and polymers that can easily and cost-effectively fix these problems without leading to operational downtime.

Factory Acceptance Testing for Custom Automation

July 12, 2013
How do you test and prove functionality of a piece of equipment that has never been designed or built before? The answer is an obvious one: custom automation requires custom acceptance testing...

The Importance of Qualified Maintenance Personnel and a Spare Parts Inventory

June 26, 2013
A facility’s conveyor system is often the lifeblood of a business but often it is not treated as such. Unplanned downtime disrupts production and directly affects the bottom line, but downtime can often be avoided or greatly minimized with qualified and effectively trained maintenance personnel as well as an adequate on-site spare parts inventory.

Top 10 Forklift Safety Tips in the Material Handling Industry

June 03, 2013
Each year, roughly 25 percent of forklift-related deaths are caused by an overturned forklift, and other forklift truck accidents lead to significant injuries and damage--most completely avoidable. To reduce the risk of accidents, here are the top ten tips for increasing forklift safety... Continue Reading >>

What You Should Expect From a Warehouse Control System

May 21, 2013
Making the move to automate warehouse processes and operations is no small decision. Not to mention that choosing the type of automation, and how much of it you plan to install, can significantly affect the success of the project. There are many factors to consider and...

Bastian Solutions’ Complete Guide to Conveyor Systems

May 16, 2013
We are often asked for more information about the different types of conveyors available, the benefits a conveyor system provides, and how it affects productivity in the workplace. To answer all these questions and more, we are happy to provide our complete guide to conveyor systems...
Results: 205 Blog Posts found.


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