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Creating Warehouse Extensibility: Goods to Person and Robotic AI

March 09, 2022
Adapting to uncertain markets, goods to person continues to prove to be a robust foundation for distribution center operations that can grow and adapt.

Latin America’s Largest AutoStore Brings Innovation for Dafiti Group Retail Ecommerce

March 02, 2022
Featuring capacity for goods to person system storage of 3.6 million products, Dafiti Group’s newest warehouse, called LEAP, houses one of the most advanced automation systems in the world providing fast delivery across Latin America. As part of the Global Fashion Group, Dafiti leads fashion and lifestyle ecommerce retail sales in Latin America and needed a facility and supporting technology to match their spirit for innovation and top-level customer satisfaction. This fast-moving system was expertly integrated with Dafiti’s current and future ecommerce growth in mind, offering a reliably convenient shopping experience for years to come. “[LEAP’s] scale and sophistication speak to the transformational growth of the fashion ecommerce industry and will help to propel our next ten years of growth in the region,” says Christoph Barchewitz, Co-CEO of the Global Fashion Group.

Maior AutoStore da América Latina traz inovação para o comércio eletrônico de varejo do Dafiti Group

March 02, 2022
Com capacidade de armazenamento de 3,6 milhões de produtos, o mais novo armazém do Grupo Dafiti, chamado LEAP, abriga um dos sistemas de automação mais avançados do mundo, proporcionando entrega rápida em toda a América Latina. Como parte do Global Fashion Group, a Dafiti lidera as vendas de varejo de comércio eletrônico de moda e estilo de vida na América Latina e precisava de instalações e tecnologia de suporte para corresponder ao seu espírito de inovação e satisfação de alto nível do cliente.

El sistema AutoStore más grande de Latinoamérica aporta innovación al comercio electrónico minorista

March 02, 2022
Con una capacidad del sistema de almacenamiento de 3,6 millones de “productos a persona”, el nuevo depósito de Dafiti Group, denominado LEAP, aloja uno de los sistemas de automatización más avanzados del mundo y ofrece servicio de entrega rápida en toda Latinoamérica. Como parte del Global Fashion Group, Dafiti lidera las ventas minoristas de moda y comercio electrónico en Latinoamérica y necesitaba unas instalaciones y tecnología de soporte al nivel de su espíritu innovador y de máxima satisfacción al cliente. Ese dinámico sistema se integró con pericia pensando en el crecimiento actual y futuro del comercio electrónico, para ofrecer una experiencia de compra confiable y práctica en los años venideros.

Warehouse Safety Clothing: Top Comfortable, Durable Options to Wear Onsite

December 29, 2021
When working at a warehouse, distribution or manufacturing facility, personnel must balance different priorities and considerations such as safety, professionalism, and utility. To meet those considerations, onsite personnel must find clothing that helps them perform their job functions rather than be cumbersome and interfere with tasks. With numerous gear options to choose from, I talked to our team about their preferred onsite clothing choices. Below are some of their top recommendations.

PUMA’s DC Automation Thrives Amid Pandemic Retail Peak Season Shifts

November 10, 2021
Designed for agility and growth, PUMA’s new Indianapolis distribution center was immediately put to the test facing unprecedented ecommerce demand in addition to new, unexpected safety measures.

When is it Time to Introduce Automated Vehicles to Your Distribution Center?

November 01, 2021
How do you determine when it’s time to integrate an automated vehicle solution in your DC (distribution centers)? Discover how these automated systems can help you navigate your warehouse confidently and take your operation to new heights.

Strengthening Supply Chain Operations During India's Peak Festive Season

October 26, 2021
Festive season 2021 is expected to bring numerous opportunities for retailers and ecommerce companies. The excitement with festive promotional sales offers will create massive online traffic, impact product sales and company turnover, and put enormous pressure on companies’ supply chain processes.

More than a 3D Model: Emulation “Digital Twin” Warehouse Visualization

October 20, 2021
Emulation and digital twins are powerful tools that can provide some very real benefits in the world of controls engineering and system integration.

Tompkins Robotics: Automating Hyperlocal and DC Sortation from End to End

October 13, 2021
In today’s global market – facing an acceleration in ecommerce and managing the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic – flexibility is not only key, but a necessity. The flexibility to scale up or down and use automation where it fits best in order to help to maintain a leading edge in the industry markets. Facilitating greater speed, agility and adaptability in warehouse distribution and order fulfillment, Tompkins Robotics’ solutions are designed to allow customers to be more successful in dynamically changing environments. In 2019, Bastian Solutions added Tompkins Robotics’ autonomous mobile robot (AMRs) solution to our growing portfolio of automation capabilities. We talked to Mike Futch, the CEO and President of Tompkins Robotics, for a deeper insight on the technology and future of DC automation development.

Finding the Right Automation for Grocery Ecommerce: 3 Proven Technologies

September 15, 2021
By now, we all know the headache that is the world of grocery ecommerce. Between a global pandemic, supply chain issues, product shortages and changing consumer demands, many grocers are scrambling to make the best decision for their customers and their bottom line. The industry transitioning from “how a grocer is going to automate the instore fulfillment process?” to “how are they going to optimize the whole process, including last mile delivery?” Brick Meets Click data showed that online grocery sales for pickup or delivery were $6.6 billion in April of this year. That’s down from the $7.1 billion in grocery e-commerce sales in March of this year, but up from $5.3 billion in April 2020. Reducing the labor spend for filling orders in the store is the first step; what follows is a strategy that can help reduce the overall cost of getting orders into the hands of customers, regardless of the hand-off location. Being a high-volume and low-margin industry, grocers need microfulfillment automation and technologies that are proven, scalable, dense, fast AND have a quick, high return on investment, like these:

Richelieu Streamlines Order Fulfillment for Improved Customer Experience

August 05, 2021
Serving more than 80,000 customers in both Canada and the United States, Richelieu aimed to increase customer satisfaction with faster, reliable order fulfillment. As an international importer, distributor and manufacturer of specialty hardware, Richelieu manages over 110,000 SKUs. In addition to a faster and more streamlined order fulfillment approach, Richelieu was able to consolidate external storage by leveraging their Montreal facility. They looked to Bastian Solutions to advise and implement the right combination of automation technology to add to Richelieu’s facility longevity and implement a system that helps them reliably maintain strong customer service.
Results: 120 Blog Posts found.


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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

