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Understanding the Difference Between Safety Devices in Material Handling Automation Systems

September 13, 2023
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, automation has become an integral part of various industries, ranging from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and transportation. With warehouse and distribution center material handling automation's widespread adoption, ensuring the safety of workers, equipment and the public is of paramount importance. To achieve this, various safety devices are employed to minimize risks and prevent accidents.

The Trickle-Down Effect of Right-Sized Packaging

September 06, 2023
The average box is 40% too large for its contents and eliminating excess volume would result in 24 million fewer truckloads per year in the United States, according to DHL, The Logistics Trend Radar. With increased focus on sustainability and supply chain impacts to a company’s bottom-line, the importance of packaging strategy has never been higher. Fortunately for supply chain leaders, packaging automation has continued to evolve to address this need and the time has never been better to consider how right-sized packaging could positively impact your supply chain.

The Ins and Outs of Automated Inbound Palletizing

August 30, 2023
For many distribution centers, unloading trailers and placing inbound product on pallets can be very labor-intensive. There are often hundreds to thousands of boxes in each trailer and these boxes can be large, heavy and hard to reach meaning most reaching, lifting and moving of boxes is done manually. Additionally, the environment inside the trailer can range from cold to extremely hot making it, at times, particularly uncomfortable. As a whole, finding and keeping labor for this essential work often presents a problem. Introducing the right automation to your palletizing operations can address labor availability challenges while also improving margins, throughput and operational flexibility.

Is It Time for Warehouse Automation? Identifying the Need

August 24, 2023
Are you considering refining your warehouse operations and improving customer satisfaction? One of the transformative solutions that has gained significant traction in recent years is automating warehouses by integrating material and product processes through material handling equipment. By introducing and integrating robots, conveyor systems with intralogistics solutions, companies can revolutionize the way warehouses can run. However, the question remains – how do you know when warehouse automation is needed?

Pack Expo 2023: The Trickle-Down Effect of Automating End of Line Operations

August 09, 2023
The world of automation is more complicated than it has ever been, with several emerging technology options and configurations now readily available with more to come. What we know, however, is that creating a foundation for long-term resilience relies on adaptable automation. Together with data-backed system integration you can overcome business challenges to meet objectives now and, in the future, reaping better ROIs. This means taking a detailed look at the processes before a package leaves the warehouse.

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) for Enhanced Efficiency & Seamless Automation

July 19, 2023
AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) have emerged as a distribution or manufacturing operation game-changer. For those seeking solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce costs and streamline operations, AMRs offer a cost-effective solution. These versatile robots can move and operate independently, revolutionizing various industries and opening new possibilities for automation. AMRs can meet various application process needs, allowing them to easily fit into existing company operations.

4 DC Design Focus Areas: Beyond Automated Warehouse Technology

July 12, 2023
Streamlining the complex processes of getting products from inbound receiving to outbound truck loading requires thoughtful orchestration of functions within the four walls of distribution and fulfillment centers that extends beyond selecting the right automated technology. Let’s take a look at five more areas that you’ll want to consider during the planning phase to unlock even more efficiency opportunities.

Digging into the Data: Understanding Leading vs. Lagging Metrics and Setting Effective KPI Targets

June 28, 2023
In today's data-driven world, organizations rely on KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure their progress towards achieving business objectives. In order to really dig into a company’s metrics, there are two important concepts to grasp when working with KPIs: leading and lagging metrics, and effective targets. By understanding the difference between these types of metrics and how to set appropriate KPI targets, businesses can make informed decisions and drive meaningful improvements.

Meet Any Market Intralogistics Challenge with a Dynamic Alliance of Innovation and Trust

June 21, 2023
In the ever-evolving realm of logistics and supply chain management, innovation is the linchpin. Failure to remain open to and properly integrating innovative solutions can stifle operations from continuing to stay competitive in the industry, whether it’s automotive, retail, healthcare and agriculture, for example.

Enhancing Efficiency in Indian Industries with Advanced Conveyor Systems

June 14, 2023
Efficient and streamlined operations are vital for the success of any industry. In India, companies are constantly seeking innovative solutions to improve productivity, reduce costs and enhance overall efficiency. ‘Research and Markets’ reports that India’s warehousing market is expected to reach INR 2,872.10 bn by 2027.One significant aspect of achieving these goals lies in optimizing material handling and warehouse operation processes.

Leveraging Cobots in Modern Warehouses

June 01, 2023
Collaborative robots’ (cobots) popularity has grown in recent years for their ability to work alongside human operators and in a diverse range of applications. These robots, specifically designed to share workspace with humans, automate tasks that typically require some level of operator intervention. Cobots have proven to be safe, flexible, quick to implement and easy to program solutions that benefit both distribution and manufacturing operations. Let’s dive deeper into capabilities and potential use cases for this advanced technology.

Maintaining SOX Compliance with Intralogistics Software

May 24, 2023
If your company is publicly traded, there's a good chance you’ve heard the term “SOX” before. The SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) yearly financial reporting audit touches every function of a public corporation – from human resources to supply chain management. SOX compliance is a massive operation both in terms of cost and labor force. The right software solution, however, can not only help you achieve the most out of your warehouse system design but can also help support you through SOX compliance.
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

