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Giving Thanks for Great Customers

December 19, 2014
It’s always good, especially around the holiday season, to give thanks for all our good fortunes and blessings. In a professional setting, I especially like to give thanks to those who have made my job more fulfilling, challenging, and successful. At the forefront of those whom I am always most grateful for are my customers.

Unforeseen Benefits of Adding Robot Labor to the Workplace

December 17, 2014
Robotic automation is becoming more commonplace in the manufacturing realm, with general industry and automotive parts suppliers leading the way. Modernizing factories throughout the Americas, the expected benefits have contributed to an increased number of robot installations, but the unexpected benefits have rapidly accelerated the pace of those installs.

Industrial Robots by the Numbers

December 08, 2014
Numbers are an extremely powerful tool. They can help us calculate, quantify, and analyze just about anything. But what makes them so important? In the ever changing world of industrial robotics, what can we learn from them? As it turns out, we can learn quite a bit.

What’s Old is New Again: The Many Uses for Used Robots

November 24, 2014
The modern-day industrial robot is one of the most robust technologies and will generally last for years, even decades. However, as with all good things, they eventually move toward the end of their useful life. When this occurs, a robot-owner is presented with a few options...

4 Ways Industrial Robots Provide Flexible Packaging Automation

November 17, 2014
The current manufacturing landscape is subject to rapid changes in demand, presenting the need for highly efficient, customized technologies. This is why flexible automation is critical for companies who seek to remain competitive and grow their business. With shorter production runs between SKU and packaging material changes, flexibility is a key feature in a manufacturing environment, especially when it comes to packaging automation. This is why industrial robotic systems are an excellent option.

Breaking News: Rosie the Robot is Real

November 06, 2014
Remember when Rosie the Robot, the famous maid from The Jetsons, was a fantasy character every human wished they had available in their own home? Why should we have to do regular household chores when a robot could do them for us? Then we could focus our efforts on more important things, like watching a baseball game or going out of town on a family vacation. Well folks, I have news for you: Those robots are REAL! Read: Rosie the Robot is Real

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Benefits of 3D renderings and simulations

October 24, 2014
A key component in our sales process is the creation of 3-D renderings and simulations. With advanced modeling and software tools, Bastian Robotics can bring 2-D drawings to life with highly accurate renderings and illustrations that can alleviate many system concerns...

Machine Tending: Is It Truly a Robot’s Paradise?

October 16, 2014
Machine tending can be some of the most grueling and hazardous work conditions for an industrial operator, so if you need to increase throughput, it often means a reduction in quality. With the help of industrial robots you can maximize both of these requirements while providing your operators with a safer working environment.

Introduction to Industrial Robots: What You Need to Know

October 10, 2014
If you work with robots every day like I do, it feels almost second nature when selecting the right one for any given application. There are plenty of people, though, who when they hear robot think of Terminator or I-Robot. Industrial robots are a little different than the aforementioned Hollywood versions, so if you are interested in using robots to improve your business, it helps to understand your options.

Industrial Robot Proof of Concept: Verify Functionality and Avoid Risk

September 04, 2014
Due to the complexity of certain industrial robot projects, a Proof of Concept (PoC) is sometimes required to verify functionality and key components of a design prior to commencing a full project. Here are the benefits and specifics of arranging a Proof of Concept...

Another Broken Pallet! Tips for Better Pallet Handling

July 10, 2014
Although handling pallets might seem simple, there are many considerations when selecting the right equipment such as pallet type, pallet condition, and pallet load stability. Here are a few items that you should consider before selecting your pallet handling equipment...

A Poem About "The Robot Industry" in Honor of National Robotics Week

April 11, 2014
As a Robotics Application Engineer, I work to develop systems that are innovative and push the boundaries of my own creativity. If you are not continually pushing yourself to improve and innovate, then your skills will become static. This is the same thinking behind National Robotics Week. It is important to celebrate how far the robotics industry has come, but we also want to encourage continued education and growth in the field.
Results: 83 Blog Posts found.


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