The Material Handling Blog

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Interview Recap: Getting Started with Mobile Robotics

December 21, 2022
Recently, Bastian’s Autonomous Vehicles General Manager, Michael Marcum, spoke with other industry experts about insights on getting started with mobile robotics.

Tackling Returns: An Online Clothing Retailer Changes the Game

December 14, 2022
Dealing with returns and reverse logistics can be a struggle for ecommerce order fulfillment - especially in the retail and consumer goods industries. Here's how we helped one client improve their returns process.

Thrive During Peak Season: 3 Order Fulfillment Considerations

December 07, 2022
Peak season is here. While Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the biggest sales days of the year, have come and gone, order fulfillment operations are busy ensuring that orders are filled accurately, packaged carefully and shipped on time. For retailers, this is both a time of getting through the peak and also an opportunity to shine ahead of competitors. Handling seasonal peaks requires automation that simplifies the surge in distribution.

3 Tips on Successful Automation Integration

November 30, 2022
Determining which material handling automation is best for your warehouse is challenging. From sifting through the vast amount of automated equipment options to identifying immediate and future operational needs, it’s not a task accomplished in a business day. And truthfully, the challenge doesn’t end once you’ve selected your new system. The next objective is to ensure the technology fits and optimizes your operations. Seamless integration and full utilization of the new system aren’t a given. It takes time, communication and planning. Before implementing any solution, consider these three tips for successful automation integration.
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Automation: A Backbone to Streamline your Omnichannel Processes

November 23, 2022
In this fast-paced industry where customers are looking for the fastest delivery and using multiple channels to complete their purchases, brands need to be nonstop active. Today, almost all consumers check reviews and compare prices both online and offline before making a purchase.

PLC Checkpoints for Maintaining Your Automation System

November 16, 2022
A PLC or programmable logic controller is the “brain” for any automatic application. The PLC program is what provides and gives signals to any automatic system. Quite simply, without the “brain” the application wouldn’t work; therefore, it is of upmost importance to make sure that it is taken care of and maintained. It needs to be stored in its recommended environment and preventative maintenance (PM) should be completed as recommended.

Créer une expérience client unique : Decathlon mise sur la micro-exécution

November 09, 2022
Du concept à la réalité de la micro-exécution, Decathlon et Bastian Solutions ont collaboré pour créer un système de micro-exécution en magasin en contact avec les clients. « L'objectif de Decathlon était de créer un nouveau parcours client unique et amélioré en supprimant idéalement les tâches sans valeur ajoutée pour le personnel », a déclaré Diba Aleagha, responsable des opérations et du commerce électronique pour Decathlon Canada.
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Creating a Unique Customer Experience: Decathlon Leverages Micro-Fulfillment

November 09, 2022
From concept to micro-fulfillment reality, Decathlon and Bastian Solutions worked together to create an in-store, customer-facing micro-fulfillment system.

Os cinco principais benefícios do Pick to Light explicados

November 08, 2022
Você já precisou fazer compras em um mercado que nunca frequentou? Você fica com aquela sensação de impotência de tentar descobrir o que exatamente é uma “Fruta do Conde” e muito menos tentar localizá-la na seção de produtos (graças a Deus “fruta” está no nome). Claro, talvez você tenha algumas pistas para ajudá-lo a chegar lá (placas de corredor, intuição geral), mas sabe que terá uma frustrante caça ao tesouro na próxima hora para completar sua lista.

Bastian Solutions Celebrates 70 Years and Counting

November 03, 2022
If It Rolls – We Supply It. This was the motto of Bastian Solutions, then the E.C. Stark Co., Inc., in the 1950s. Hand trucks, casters and carts were the original material handling equipment supplied by the company, which was formed on October 31, 1952, by Elgan Stark, father-in-law of Bill Bastian Sr. Fast forward 70 years, and Bastian Solutions continues to grow as a leading material handling automation company. Although casters and the like are no longer the heart of the business, the vision remains the same – to help companies be more efficient, better serve their clients and make the world a better place.

End of Line Palletizing - Central vs. Local Robotic Palletizing

October 26, 2022
For manufacturing companies facing challenges of labor availability, increased order volume and ergonomic issues, an automated palletizing system is an effective method for quickly improving outbound operations. When considering an automated palletizing solution for multiple production lines, there are generally two options: centralized palletizing or local palletizing.

Keep Up with India’s Festive Season Demand with Continuous Customer Support

October 19, 2022
The festive season is the most exciting time of the year in India. The season brings out the best in companies and customers with celebrations, new product launches and sale offer blasts like Amazon Great Indian Festival and Myntra big fashion festival etc. It also brings a whirlwind of considerations for warehouses and distribution centres.
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