The Material Handling Blog

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How Much Does Pallet Racking Cost?

August 27, 2020
There are many factors which must be considered when pricing the various types of pallet racking. For the most accurate pallet racking price you should always consult with your material handling provider. However, what if you’re only looking for a ROM (rough order of magnitude) or high-level estimate? Below are a few rules of thumb that will help you determine a rough price estimate for pallet racking.

Bastian Solutions Modular Sorter

August 19, 2020
Due to the rapidly expanding industry of ecommerce, ease of installation and maintenance of conveyor systems is exceedingly critical to remain competitive in today’s material handling market. The more complicated the system, the more of an impact this can have on its design and success as a solution. In material conveyance terms, sortation is one of the most complicated problems out there. Typical medium rate sortation requires AC power, DC power, and pneumatics for successful sortation of packages up to 75 pounds in weight. They provide rates up to 300FPM at 85CPMwith a maximum sorter length of 150ft. Bastian Solutions’ conveyor team has now developed a solution that provides the same speed at 90CPM, an unlimited maximum sorter length, and requires nothing but low-voltage DC power for operation, all while offering competitive pricing; the Modular Sorter.

2020 Internship Program

August 13, 2020
Ever wondered what Bastian Solutions interns are up to during their programs? Bastian Solutions makes every effort to ensure each intern goes back to school or out into the industry with valuable skills necessary for success. From controls to software and systems, our interns had a diverse experience this year, and even with the challenges presented with COVID-19, they each flourished and brought great value to our teams!

Microfulfillment Part 2: Pros and Cons

July 29, 2020
The term “microfulfillment center” has quickly become one of the top buzzwords in material handling. But what is it and is investing in it the right decision for your supply chain?

Building A Community for Women in Tech: Mentorship and Sponsorship

In the spirit of Canada’s National Engineering Month back in March, and as we welcome a new wave of grads into the workforce, we’re sharing our top tips for inspiring students and young engineers to join the engineering field, stay motivated, and find the community they need to feel sense of belonging. In light of COVID-19’s isolation measures, there’s no better time to connect with community members for a video call to discuss their goals and how you can support them.

How to Properly Select a Vertical Reciprocating Conveyor

June 17, 2020
With skyrocketing warehouse real estate prices in many parts of the country, Bastian Solutions is finding more of our customers want to make better use of their vertical cube.

Throwing Good Money After Bad: Addressing Failed Operational Investments

June 09, 2020
Throwing good money after bad often happens without the realization that it’s being done. We’ve worked with several clients over the years where the common thread across projects has been an investment in something of considerable capital value that simply isn’t well suited for the client’s operation.

A New Graduate's Experience in the Warehouse Automation Environment

June 03, 2020
Graduating from university is an exciting and meaningful milestone for many. Following shortly after is a huge leap into the first full-time position of your career

The Importance of Discussing Slotting Early in New Facility Design

May 19, 2020
When designing a new warehouse or distribution facility, the earlier that conversations are had about slotting goals, the better the end result.
Posted in General Blogs

How Automation is Helping During a Pandemic

May 14, 2020
Because of COVID-19, many manufacturing companies are finding themselves needing to change operating procedures. Here's how automation is helping one company make much-needed PPE.

Using a Gaming Engine for Agile Supply Chain Optimization

May 12, 2020
How embracing agility and operational responsiveness in supply chain modeling and network design software gives businesses the best opportunity for success.

Questions to Expect From a Material Handling Integrator

May 05, 2020
In any material handling project or consultation, the first step is getting to know your business and its needs. Here are some of the questions you can expect.
Results: 218 Blog Posts found.


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