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Lean Six Sigma Part II: Do You Know What Your Customers Want?

January 20, 2011
As an officer in the U.S. Air Force, I was responsible for the phase inspection of our bomber aircraft. The team took the aircraft down for inspection, repairs, and preventative maintenance of safety-of-flight and mission-critical items. Our maintenance group commander, a colonel, constantly challenged our quality assurance (QA) pass rates on phase inspections. The goal was 96 percent, and on average, the unit hit that mark.

The Importance of Optimizing Your Packing Process

January 13, 2011
For most companies, warehouse efficiency has become a matter of survival versus the profitability goals of a few years ago. Thus, most companies are looking for even more ways to make their day-to-day processes more efficient.

What's the True Cost of Your Corporate Safety Program

December 21, 2010
Few of us have been able to escape the unwanted, but necessary, cost-cutting initiatives of our employers during the past three years of the recession. In the interest of self preservation, we have combed through each line item of the corporate budget looking for hidden treasures to help sustain us until consumer demand returns.
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The Top 10 Characteristics of a Perfect Project Manager

July 26, 2010
Having been in the trenches executing complex automated material handling systems for the last 23 years certain “lessons learned” become etched into my mind. The difference between a great project manager and a mediocre project manager directly impacts: the ability to complete the project on time, overall profitability, and most important customer goodwill... which translates to the future revenue stream with that customer. I would offer the following 10 characteristics of a perfect project manager for your consideration...
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Lean Optimization for Pack Out and Manifest Operations

June 28, 2010
Lean manufacturing is a common production practice. It considers the spending of resources for any goal other than the creation of value for the end customer to be a wasteful practice, and thus a target for elimination. Wasteful practices are those practices that do not add value to our customers. When considering each process within your facility it becomes necessary to consider those goods and services that you, as a customer, are willing to pay for and those goods and services that you do not see value in...

Inventory Accuracy is Key to Operational Performance

April 08, 2010
I was recently at a client location and I asked them what their number one operational problem was. The director of distribution didn’t miss a beat. “Inventory Accuracy,” was his reply.
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Options Available with AS/RS Technology

March 05, 2010
This article will discuss some of the options available to the designer for Unit Load AS/RS Systems. Mini and Micro Load systems will be discussed in the next article.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About AS/RS, But Were Afraid to Ask...

August 05, 2009
Since the introduction of AS/R systems in the United States, the technology has evolved in a number of directions that has resulted in greater capability, and a large diversity in the rules for its application. Needless to say, in the last 40 years or so, these systems have become both Hero and Villain to the enterprises they have served. Success and horror stories are constantly referenced, and depending on which end of the spectrum your counsel is from, you may be influenced to make a decision focused on the wrong issues or for the wrong reasons...
Tags: AS/RS, Mason, Ohio
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"Rules of the Road" for Conveyor

May 28, 2009
There are basic rules of the road for designing a conveyor system. Here are a few.
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Continuous Employee Development: Setting and Managing Expectations for Successful Growth

May 28, 2009
All living things grow if they're healthy. The same principle is true for a healthy organization of people.
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How to Maintain System Uptime, In a Down Economy

April 02, 2009
In a down economy, businesses start to maintain their conveyors instead of replacing them. As the economy starts to squeeze the wallet, new conveyor sales start to fall but spare parts sales, according to Bob Trebilcock from Modern Material Handling magazine, could potentially increase 25% this year...
Results: 47 Blog Posts found.


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